Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Thoughts for Tuesday...

1. Britney Spears losing her kids. Here's what I don't get. There are thousands of children who are being abused on a regular basis -- and I mean god awful abuse -- not just "hanging out with mom at inappropriate hours"; and those Mothers never seem to lose their children. Why is that? It takes years of abuse claims and investigations - and more often than not, it's a child's death or horrible torture that will bring a case to light. But Britney - well, she's clearly a risk to her children's health and well being. Her poor eating habits, bad sense of fashion - and abuse of alcohol clearly means that she is unfit to be a mother. Now, I'm not saying that I think she's fit to have custody of her children, because I don't. At least not in this stage of the game. And as devastated as she might be appearing, I'm sure deep down inside there is a sigh of relief going on for her. Clearly motherhood cuts into "fun time". I mean, it's not as if she can't afford nannies and other people to raise her children for her while she's partying it up and being irresponsible. And what's really sad about it all, outside of the fact that her children will forever see the beginnings of their life and the horror show their mother has become chronicled for everyone to see on every possible medium available -- is that there are single moms in this world every where who are "doing it right". Raising their children, putting themselves first and sacrificing what they need to, in an effort to keep their children as happy, healthy and positive as they possibly can. Not only is Britney Spears a disappointment within the music industry, she's dissapointing as a woman who made a conscious decision to bring two children into the world. And she's old enough to know better. And if she isn't smart enough, well she sure has enough money to buy people to be around her, who are.

2. There's too much good television now! I finally caught the last half of "Dexter" during the half time of the Pats game. Good stuff. But I can't keep up with all the stuff that's on right now! I've got 2 episodes now of "Heroes" that I need to catch up on. I did really enjoy the season premiere of "Grey's Anatomy", and can I just tell you -- as much as I love McDreamy, I love love love George. Something about that little puppy dog look he's got just warms my heart. What I didn’t love was "Private Practice". Addison used to be this strong, smart, sassy cookie - and now she's more like Rachel from Friends. Ugh, too cutesy. I'll try to give it another week or so, but I might have to cut it off at the knees. Never mind that it's Soxtober - and Pat's season! A busy girl like myself doesn't have all the time in the world to watch televison, so "Private Practice" better step it up - or it's not going to make the cut!

3. Is "no news" really good news? I'm a little frustrated that I haven't heard either "yes" or "no" regarding my potential venture. One would think that a "no" would come far quicker, so that the delayed reaction might be percieved as positive - meaning one might be chewing on a decision. But I'm chomping at the bit myself to get resolution. I hate the waiting game. Hate it.

4. I'm starving today. It's like all I can think about is food. Could be the communal work area that I'm in, where food smells great one minute - crappy the next. One person's rigatoni and sausage leftovers smell amazing….mix it with another's left over fish (that was clearly frozen given the distinct odor) and voila - instant nose burn. Ugh. But seriously, I'm starving. I have to leave early today to pick up a cake and gift for a co-worker's birthday tomorrow, otherwise -- I'd be tempted to go to the sushi restaurant up the street. But no time today. So... I'm toying with making poached salmon w. a horseradish cream sauce for dinner, with baked sweet potato slices - and a salad.

I'm sorry -- did I mention I'm hungry….?


chesneygirl said...

As for Britney... I feel bad for her. She never had a childhood, teenhood or college life for that matter. I realize that's the life she chose... (or was it? I get the feeling mommy was quite influential) and she's making up for it now. I'm not defending her. But I honestly don't believe she know what "normal" is.. or right or wrong for that matter. She obviously needs serious help in many different areas, on many different levels but she has to realize it on her OWN and WANT it. I just hope she realizes it before it's too late... if it isn't already... ???

I really liked Private Practice. But you are right... she wasn't her "usual self" from Grey's Anatomy.

Enjoy your Soxtober! The roar has been silenced here in Detroit. Disappointing. :(

Susan said...

You are making me hungry - and I just ate.

Elizabeth said...

So, wait, are you hungry?

I am with ya on Britney. I have a huge amt of sympathy for that girl. I think she is most likely a God awful mom but she needs help not ridicule.

Elizabeth said...

OK, that came out wrong. I did not mean YOU were ridiculing her.

Lord, I can't speak. LOL

I just mean the media who get such joy at her expense. It's kinda sad.

Rebecca said...

Hi SFG -
Thanks for stopping in! No worries, I knew what you meant! ;)

Rebecca said...

And hey - SFG, meet another Self Proclaimed Reese's cup addict here. :)