Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I am too hard on myself.
I try to compartmentalize things too much.
I never say no to a challenge.
I have a constant need to feel in control -- not so much "be" in control.  Emotional control versus situational control.

I have a hard time living up to my own expectations, let alone feeling like I'm meeting the expectations of others.
I am never quite as organized as I want to be.  "Real Simple" is my desired endstate -- yet, I don't know that I'll ever get there.

I love to entertain and cook for others.
I am always striving to better myself, both mentally and physically.
I never say no to a challenge.
I feel my best knowing that I've made some one feel better about themselves.
I know I'm a wonderful mother.  If I know nothing else about myself - I know that much.
I'm enthusiastic about life…passionate about learning, growing and striving.
I believe that every day is a new day, to have a good day.
I love to laugh.

I am a work in progress.
And I'm okay with that.

1 comment:

Susan said...

The first one - aren't we all?