Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Walking a tightrope....

It's a balancing act at the moment, that's for sure.

Plate 1 - has what I've got.
Plate 2 - has what I'm looking for.
Plate 3 - has the back up plan.

And they're all mid air, just waiting to see which one comes to the ground first....


Suldog said...

Inside joke for me. "Spinning plates" is what MY WIFE affectionately calls a certain conjugal act, since it involves multiple activities.

(Nope. I won't say what it is exactly.)

Big Ben said...

You also have the fact that Papelbon blew the save on your plate.

Rebecca said...

Suldug - OMG, that's hysterical.
Who knew? My talking in code was REALLY super secret squirrel code for "ahem" talents outside of balancing plates?! LOL

Ben - Yes, I know -- I blogged about it on the baseball blog I contribute to. Paps blew the save, but sorta not his fault..exactly.

Besides, right from his first pitch I knew it was going to be a blown save; he was off target, wild. Some nights, you just know it's not going to happen.