Friday, September 05, 2008

"People live with their own idiosyncrasies and die of their own illnesses."

The other day, as I was looking at my "ugly" foot (yes, I have an ugly foot. I will get to that in a minute...) I realized that I have serious quirks. I mean we all do - but I've got some funny ones. I've listed some of them before, and figured what the heck - it's the end of the week - and since I don't feel up to ranting about anything in particular today, I'd ramble about these weird issues I have. Hey, if you can't laugh at yourself - who can you laugh at?

So, if you find these amusing - great! Feel free to share and add your own because it certainly is comforting to know that I'm not the only crazy girl in the world.

1. I "skeeve" feet. Mine, or any one else's for that matter. Except for my kids -- they have beautiful, perfect little feet. But, to add insult to injury - I have really ugly ones. I think if I could change one thing about me physically it would be to have pretty feet. I actually have a pretty foot; my right foot looks great. My left foot..ugh. Whenever I look down its like looking at two different people's toes! My left foot is a mess, the nails are awful (even though I pedicure!!) they don't maintain as long and I just hate it. I know it's from running and kickboxing, and alot of it has to do with how my feet lay (they go downwards on the edges -- I have flat feet) but still, I don't like them.

2. Speaking of feet... I can't stand being barefoot. To say I hate it, would be an understatement. So I always wear socks in the house. But if the socks get even a hint of water on the bottom, you know from either the kids bath - or maybe just splashing from the sink in the kitchen and I happen to step on it -- I have to change the socks immediately. Or, if I wore the socks when I was cleaning the house, I have to change them as soon as I'm done. Why? Beats me. I feel like they're dirty. Mind you my house is never truly dirty -- but like I said, I'm a headcase about that kind of stuff. It's like my Windexing obsession...which I won't get into again today.

3. Another weird issue I have is leftovers. Not sure why -- but I just don't like to eat them. I prefer my food fresh. I think it's great that other people eat leftovers -- and if I go to someone's house, and they serve me their leftovers (e.g. beef stew, roast, or spaghetti sauce, etc.) I'm fine with it. But in my own house -- can't do it. Exception to the rule: Re-engineering the leftovers. Say, taking a roasted chicken and making the leftovers into a salad or something. But I wouldn't eat a plate of leftover meat loaf. It's just as easy for me to whip up a new meal, than to bother with leftovers. Fortunately, I have not passed this issue onto my kids, as they gloriously enjoy eating whatever I give them - and if it's something that they really enjoyed the night before - even better. Interesting thing is that even when I was a child - I wouldn't eat them either. Maybe my issue today is because I genuinely love to cook?

This is just a scratch on the surface of things that go 'round in this girl's head.
Sure, they're silly - but they're mine and part of what makes me who I am, for better or for worse.


Susan said...

I absolutely hate feet. People touching them, animals licking them. Totally disgusts me. I can't stand it!

Suldog said...

MY WIFE is the same way about feet. I don't get it, but I have my own idiosyncracies (many) so live and let live.