Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hey, Mangini & Crew...

How d'ya like us now?

Quit your whining.
We beat you even with our oh-so obviously inexperienced quarterback.
And chances are - he's only going to get better.

So what are you possibly going to complain about now?
Because I can't wait to hear it.

Karma's a bitch, isn't it?


Suldog said...

This had to be one of the sweetest wins Belichik ever had.

Anonymous said...


Scroll around, the fake curt blog. I think there's a post just for you!

Rebecca said...

LOL Anonymous - why be anonymous?

Someone (might that be you Anonymous?) over at "Dear Curt" wrote a very funny (though not nice) jab towards Curt, but with my face attached to it. Sort of a sideways snipe towards me as well it seems.

Ah well, you must take the good - with the bad I suppose.