Thursday, March 01, 2007

Brought to you today by the letter "P"...

About a year ago, I had been tagged to come up with 10 words that began with the letter “B” and to explain why I chose or liked those words. So, I thought that might be a good posting for today. I’ve got lots on my mind and no real clear path to channel it all and so this might be a nice exercise in focus for me. I’m going to use the letter “P”. How did I select this letter? I sort of closed my eyes, twirled my finger and figured whatever letter my finger landed on was going to be my choice. And there you have it.

Peace: Clearly an obvious choice. Within the world, my interpersonal relationships, peace within myself. Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work; it means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
Principles: Without having basic principles to believe in
, what do you have? They should be the very core of who you are.
Passion: Something that I think no one should be without. Whether it’s for someone you care for, a hobby – or even a career – without passion, life is dull and dark. Passion ignites us, inspires us and best of all, makes us feel alive.
Purpose: Everyone needs to have a purpose in life....we all need to feel like we have a reason to get up every morning and live each day to the fullest. Without purpose, it’s nearly impossible to achieve inner peace – or find things to be passionate about. It’s all full circle, don’t you think?
Positive: I absolutely, unequivocably believe that hope springs eternal. My glass is half full; my world is rosy through the view I choose to see. I’m not naïve, nor do I turn a blind eye to life – but I do believe that positive energy attracts positive energy. And there is nothing that anyone can ever say to change my mind. I choose to “fill the negative space with positively everything”, and I think that has been the key to my facing the various adversities I’ve faced several times in my life. That what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. And to see the sun shining in the distance through the rain makes getting through the storm that much more tolerable.
Patience: Patience is kindness and tolerance. It’s taking the time to teach. Embracing someone else’s capabilities to learn. Thinking about someone other than ourselves when we “get it” and some one else doesn’t. It’s showing a child over and over again how to button their shirt and not getting frustrated with them. Not beating ourselves up when we don’t succeed. Understanding that it isn’t “all about me” sometimes.
Peanut Butter: Does this one really need explanation?
Peony: One of my favorite flowers. There is nothing like the smell of peonys in the early summer. It’s just so sad that they bloom for such a short time...
Promises: If you make one – keep it. Promises kept may be forgotten....promises not kept are often the mark by which you are measured.
Parenting: The toughest job I’ll ever love. One that puts many of my principles to the test. There is no greater reward, no better justification. My children are my peace, my passion, my purpose. For them I will always remain positive and have endless amounts of patience.


Steve said...

Hi Bec..

Truly spoken from a 'nut' that hasn't fallen far from the :)

Love ya...

Anonymous said...

OOOOO I love Peanut Butter sorry had to say that:)

Lori said...

This is a neat list. I'm all about those "P's" too!

Suldog said...

Hi, Rebecca!

Just wanted to let you know that you're invited to my virtual birthday party today! You can bring as many guests as you'd like!

chesneygirl said...

Oh GOD!! I love love LOVE peanut butter!!!

Very nice list and nicely written!

I love your definition for Parenting!

Peter N said...

How 'bout Peter!