I don't eat breakfast normally. I just am not hungry first thing in the morning. But yet I love breakfast food. Which is funny because in my house growing up, we were definitely a sit down and eat breakfast together type of family - on the weekends. I especially love having breakfast for dinner. This morning, I made the kids pumpkin pancakes and though it smelled delicious, I just wasn't hungry. But - if we were going out for breakfast - I'd have eaten up a storm. I don't know why, but something about going out for breakfast wakes my stomach up no matter whether it's 2 a.m. or 7 a.m.
It's a Breakfast Survey... Go figure! If you use it - let me know!
1. How do you like your eggs? I almost always prefer over easy; second would be scrambled.
2. Bacon or Sausage? Both. And a little corned beef hash...and maybe some ham too!
3. Waffles or Pancakes? Neither. I'd prefer French Toast over them both.
4. Fruit on your food? Unless it's something really sounding good - probably not.
5. Orange juice or Tomato juice? Tomato
6. Favorite Omelet: Tough choice. Depends on the mood. I almost always go for Sausage and Cheese or Linguica and Cheese; then probably a Mexican omelet.
7. Oatmeal or Grits: Definitely grits. With lots of maple syrup. But I really love them best with soft boiled eggs and crumbled bacon!
8. Favorite Breakfast Meal: I'm thinking Eggs Benedict over Corned Beef Hash. YUM.
9. Favorite Time to Eat Breakfast: Funny, I already talked about that. Either a Sunday morning, or any night for dinner.
10. Flavor Syrup: I'm a plain Jane. Good ol' fashioned maple.
11. Hash browns or Home Fries: While I love hashbrowns, its hard to find really good ones. So I'll take home fries, with lots of ketchup!
12. Ketchup on your eggs? No way. Maybe salsa though!
Well as you know Bec.....
I'm a 'kitchen sink' kinda guy when it comes to breakfast foods, particularly eggs. Remember those wonderful 'eggerizza's' or 'maybe those 'stringarizza's' and the mixing of the entire refridgerator. lol....my motto is....if it fits in the pan...'cook it' !
So true Dad... and what's funny is that while I don't like ketchup ON my eggs - I love it cooked IN my eggs. Maybe even w. some mayo if I really want to throw my cholesterol out of whack like in the old days! ;)
You were making fritattas before it was cool to do so! :)
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You know I never never NEVER used to eat breakfast until recently, the last year or so, I eat it almost everyday. Not anything extravagent but just "something" to kick my metabolism into gear....more for a weightloss thing than anything else.
P.S. I really liked this Meme, it was fun! I've never seen it before.
I am one of those who loves to eat breakfast out, but not at home. And I prefer breakfast for supper too.......are we related? LOL
Hugs! Great post!
OK, this made me hungry! I usually just grab some toast or breakfast bar for breakfast, but I do love the typical first meal of the day kinds of food! I'm with you and martie...I can definitely go for breakfast at suppertime.
IHOP anyone?!
I'm the same way, in that I hardly ever eat breakfast at home, but I wolf it down when on vacation or otherwise away from home.
One thing that should have been there - Do you use REAL maple syrup or a phony corn syrup concoction, a la Aunt Jemima's? NOTHING beats the real thing!
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