The surprise birthday party that was supposed to happen on Friday – didn’t. Silly snow getting in the way of everything.
I did manage to go out to my favorite Martini Bar on Friday night. It really wasn’t all that bad out by 7pm, mostly rain so I figured why not. They’ve recently renovated and just reopened. You know, I’m not loving it as much as I did before the redesign. It’s very “Boston” now, all trendy and retro chic with white, crimson and black furniture. They have live music there now, so it’s sort of a lounge type feel. Very different from how it was before. I sort of preferred it’s trendy but warm and classic feel, with the darker woods and rustic coloring. Most importantly – the martini’s weren’t nearly as impressive as before. Smaller glasses – and no “extra”. They used to come in oversized martini glasses, with always about a ¼ more left in the shaker to top off as you drank. Not now...small glasses and nothing in the shaker – and the prices are the same. Hmmm. I suppose they had to finance this redesign somehow, right?
So, Saturday was the night the "surprise" party took place, and while maybe she wasn’t surprised – she still had a great time. Instead of doing the traditional St. Patty’s Day pub thing – we celebrated one of the girls anniversary of her 29th birthday!
Which in some ways is better because not only did I get to spend time with a bulk of my friends – I didn’t have a hangover on Sunday! You know how that green beer goes down easy, but catches up with you just as easily!
Sounds like fun to me...even if the drinks are a little shorter. You and I should try the place near my house...Blues Diner. Good martini's w/in walking distance.
Gotta say, " that's one 'ugly crowd'
Actually, Bec, the 'girls' are looking better and better.....must be the alcohol ! :)
Sounds like fun. We have a great hang out that is all done in Retro sytle, bar stools, and diner booths. Just relaxing and cheap drinks too! Fun!
sounds like fun times!!
I haven't been to a Martini bar in AGES!!
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