Sunday, January 22, 2006

Space Invaders....?!?!

So, last night I watched "War of the Worlds".
Can I just tell you...I despise alien movies.
I'll tell you why.

I hate that since Roswell, all these movies about aliens show how they're wanting to take over the world. Destroy mankind. Exterminate the human race.

I find it hard to believe that intelligent beings from a planet outside of our own, would waste their time and efforts to travel to Earth, just to destroy us. And to destroy our planet. Why? What's the point? Just because they can?

I think not.

And they never are successful. They never survive. Either we destroy them (just because they're from other planets, they're clearly vulnerable to our weapons! Shhhaaaa!), or as in the case of the movie last night - our bacterias break them down and they die.

Seems to me, that if aliens were going to make their way all the way down here to our little planet (which has only been around a fragment of a second in comparison to the rest of the galaxy), they they might want to stick around a little longer. I'm thinking that there probably are aliens, and intelligent life outside our own --- and they've done their homework. I think they may want to learn from us - or better yet - educate us. Maybe even breed with us to create a superbeing. Or maybe breed just for "funsies".

This depiction of alien interaction is clearly Man's way of deflecting guilt over the way the human race treats every other creature in this world. Including ourselves. We've done it to several animal species...and we've done it to various ethnicities within our own family tree. Seek, dominate and attempt to destroy.

"Close Encounters of the Third Kind" is more along the lines of the alien movies that I enjoy. They're with us, studying us, attempting to communicate with us. Or maybe, just maybe....they're just sitting back, watching us destroy ourselves.

Why do to us, what we're seemingly destined to do to ourselves?


Big Ben said...

If aliens are intelligent enough to travel the expanses of space it would require to get to earth they would know not only how to destroy us but a cure to the common cold. I doubt they would need our natural resources but if they did they would probably just take them. Unless of course Tom Cruise is still alive or Joaquin Pheonix with a baseball bat.

Jerrster said...

yes Rebecca you have hit on something here I seriously doubt that a species from another planet would take the time to drive all the way here just to kill people for fun?...why that would be like one species here on Earth getting all dressed up and driving out to a remote place on the planet and then start hunting down another species and kill it and mount it's head on the wonder if it matters male of female for them?....were screwed.

you wanna really change your mind about aliens read this book "The Sparrow" by Mary Doria Russell

Alison Rose said...

And let's not forget ET: The Extraterrestrial, which is not only the best of the benign-alien movies, but one of the best movies, period. Spielberg definitely does better with the "we're not here to kill you" aliens (including Close Encounters, of course).

I thought the new W of the W was two-thirds of a pretty good thriller, but the ending basically sucked. Spielberg's had a little trouble wrapping up his movies lately, but then, endings are always the toughest, aren't they?

chesneygirl said...

I don't like alien movies either, I never watch them.

But I never thought of it the way you have! :)

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how you watched a movie since, with no exceptions, you were returning to karate and kickboxing. Please help me understand. Were you attacked be aliens and held captive in front of the tv?

bigwhitehat said...

If Rueben is right, then they are indeed higher beings.

Michelle said...

Let's forget for a minute that you have a valid and interesting point to this story. That said, I found it extremely funny that you're defending aliens on your blog. As long as you don't start playing with your mashed potatoes, I'll keep reading. :)

Mellissa said...

You seriously crack me up! I don't like Alien movies either. Except for Close Encounters...

I didn't see War of the Wolds because I am just soooo sick of Tom Cruise.


P.S. Boot sales are beginning - where shall we meet up for our shopping!

Bill said...

E.T. was another good movie along those same lines. Ooh! So was Cacoon.