Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I can see clearly now the rain is gone...

Well, not really. It's still raining off and on. But who doesn't love a happy euphimism?

So, I wonder why children have one level of volume: insanely loud. Seriously, are my kids the only who completely disregard the concept of inside voice? My daughter has this uncanny way of screaming when she speaks, and forget it when she's angry. Glass breakingly loud. It's beyond annoying, and yet -- how does one get them to just be quiet??? It must be an acquired skill.

I feel quite accomplished today. A little overwhelmed, but accomplished. I purchased a good amount of barware and linens, as well as some other fun wine accessories. I stayed somewhat under my budget because I have other vendors still to buy from, but for a start -I feel good.

We spent almost the whole day at the store site, meeting with contractors for the refrigeration and window work - and while I'm entirely taken aback at the cost of the HVAC and now the plumbing for the cooler which is being completely restructured -- I'm feeling pretty excited about the rack design. We've simplified and redesigned our high end section in a way that's asthetic, and less expensive than originally projected. (The wall giveth...the wall taketh away. Sure, that's the Green Monster but you get the point.)

I'm a little surprised by my Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance estimate. I was going to go with the exceptionally reasonably priced Neighborhood Health Plan, but my kids pediatricians aren't on it and I refuse to switch their doctors. Your pediatrician is like a family member, you trust them implicitly and I am not switching. So, I'm pricing Blue Cross plans. In order to keep the budget we're going to have to go down a tier from what I had hoped - but at the same time, I believe it will be better than what we have now -- and that isn't terrible, so. I'll take it.

This coming week I should be starting to plan out my fresh cheese list. That, I am almost beside myself in excitement to do. I won't be ordering it for a while, but I am the organized type that needs to know exactly what I want in advance.

I can't wait to capitalize on my day of massage because let me tell you -- I sorely need it. That and a good yoga session. I'll feel better overall with a little grounding and re-establishing my center.

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