Monday, June 08, 2009

Time moves quickly because we are allowing creative energy to flow to us through our mindset.

The weekend went by far too quickly.

I had toyed with taking the day off, to sort of run errands and have some quiet downtime – maybe browse around the Gift Center and open accounts for the product lines I need to start ordering now if I want them for Christmas. It’s true, you have to pre-order holiday items if you want to have them in your shop at the right season. Retail that isn’t food related is funny like that.

Instead though – I’ll be doing that next Monday. In some ways, that’s good because it will give me something to look forward to all week. G is typically off on Mondays and so for us to spend a day together without kids, is a rare commodity. Being Mom & Dad is a ton of fun, don’t get me wrong – but being together and not having to worry about two little people is especially nice sometimes. I always tell myself, "they’re only small for such a short time" – but still, Mom & Dad deserve a little time together, and sometimes it’s better spent and enjoyed when it’s during the day than at night when you’re too tired to really enjoy anything, even just going out for dinner.

The colors for the store are picked out too, and I’m really excited about it. The walls that we have (there aren’t many, it’s mostly all glass) are going to be painted in a gradient spray and blended. I’m not going to spill the colors just yet – but they’re beautiful and exactly what I had in mind. My mother in law is a designer and so, it’s great when you and your designer are in synch; sometimes people have varying ideas and I’ve got to think that would be difficult. But, she’s so talented – I trust her taste implicitly and the truth is, my taste isn’t very different from hers most time. So, though I hadn’t told her what I was thinking – the samples she brought me were exactly what I was thinking – and it just clicked. I picked out the specific shades from the same color families and the decision was made.

G put it in a very accurate way this morning, and I hadn’t thought of it this way: it’s like having a baby. Every step of the way, is like when you are planning to have a baby. Truthfully, I think that makes it less overwhelming to think of because I assure you – there is a lot that goes into opening a store. And this one is basically retail ready as far as buildout is concerned, so we’re in a very simplified situation; but it is still, very complicated.

But the possibilities, are so exciting…..

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