Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Reunited...and it feels so good!

So, I finally got my bootleg Season 3 Grey’s Anatomy. It took everything I had not to tear open the package with my teeth, I was so excited. (Well, maybe not quite THAT excited. But you get the point.)

I started watching it last night, and sigh.....
It felt so good to see my friends again!
(Insert “she’s such a dork!” comment HERE)

I somehow managed to keep myself to only the first episode, which was very difficult to do because I can’t wait to see how the season plays out. I had to tell myself that even if I stayed up until 5 a.m., I was only going to get to episode 8 anyway – so I opted to go to bed. But let me tell you...

The scene at the end, when McDreamy tells Meredith he’s in love with her and made the wrong choice.....(loud sound of sucking in air inserted HERE)
Sigh....why don’t boys really say those things to girls in “real life”?? For all you guys out there – THOSE are the things that we girls want to hear. We want you to be all vulnerable and “out there”.
Get some passion, damn it.

I can’t wait to watch tonight.
(Insert “My GOD she’s such a dork” while you shake your head in pity comment HERE).

I now bring you back to your regularly scheduled day.


ramblin' girl said...

"Get some passion, damn it."

You'll have to let us know what you think of the season... I'll wait to divulge my opiniopn until you've watched more.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Thanks for visiting my blog! So in addition to our common love of the Red Sox, we also love Gray's Anatomy! Just starting season 3?? Did you miss the whole season? Well, if you go digging in my archives, I've blogged about some episodes and listed favorite quotes. So there are defintely spoilers in there. You've been warned! ;-)

Martie said...

I missed most of the last season of Grey's too....and I love the show. You'll have to fill me in....steamy episode by steamy episode!


Suldog said...

Passion? PASSION??? I love baseball! I love the Three Stooges! I love pork chops! I am very passionate!

Susan said...

I'm with RG, I'll wait with baited breath. Hurry up and watch!

oregoncelticlady said...

*laugh at suldog*

I love, love, LOVE G.A. and would totally be right there on the couch with ya!!!!! :-)

Cheryl said...

I am also, a total, complete dork when it comes to Grey's Anatomy. I do have a guy like Dempsey's character in my past--just as tragic a story. Just as dreamy, too. Sigh... Probably one reason why I love the show.