Saturday, October 21, 2006

Saturday "What ifs...."

I thought I had been tagged by Miss 28 going on 40 - but I can't find the post now, so I thought I'd do a fun meme for Saturday.

I'm not tagging anyone....if you want it - grab it; let me know so I can check out your answers!
If you could have named yourself, which name would you have chosen, and why?
I always liked the name Shara when I was younger. But now? I don't know. I probably would choose the name I picked for my daughter, Sofia. It's strong yet feminine.

If you could relive a year in your life, what age would it be, and why?
When I was 12. I loved my 6th grade was the best year of school, where I made such great friends and we just had fun. Some of my best memories that my friends and I still laugh about - are from back then.

If you could go back and change one friendship in your past, who would it have been, and why?
I don't think any of them. While there's one person I might have considered not being friends with in retrospect....she taught me a valueable lesson about trust, and trusting my instincts.

If you could have dated one person in your past that you did not date, who would it be, and why?
Hmmmm. I've never dated anyone I worked with - or even anyone on the base period. But there was one Captain who I was friends with that made it clear he wanted to be more than friends, but I didn't feel the same towards him. He was such a great guy... and we were really good friends, it might've been a good thing even if only for a short time.

If you could say one thing/idea/sentiment to someone in your past, what would it be, and why?
Life is too short.... why waste time being insincere?

If you had the opportunity to live in another country, which one would it be, and why? if you choose NOT to live in another country, why do you want to stay in your current country?
I would never live in another country. Nothing beats being here.

If you could choose your dream job, what would it be, and why?
There's a lot of things I wish I did in life. I guess my dream job, would be sportscasting.

If you could wish a wish and it be guaranteed to come true (and not to your detriment or to the detriment of anyone else), what would it be, and why?
I think I would wish that everyone that I love would never have to go through any real suffering or pain. We all need obstacles in life to overcome in order to grow...but I would wish for no real loss or pain that is unnecessary.

No mistakes made. Only lessons learned......


Martie said...

Enjoyed your meme.....and your answers! And thanks for your words of kindness when you visited...I'm sure you are correct in your assumption of my prodecure! ;)

joy said...

You grew your hair out, nice!