Tuesday, October 03, 2006

"One golden glance of what should be...."

Maybe it's the feeling of the air, despite the warmth that is creeping back this week.....Maybe it's the changing of the leaves. Maybe it's just the state of mind I'm in, or rather - what's been circling within my mind as of late.

I'm feeling the need to go and surround myself with some mystique.
I think I'm going to take a day, and have my Tarot cards read.

I enjoy being surrounded by places of charm, and magic....there's a certain calming effect that takes place when you walk into a shop that has crystals, and incense and New Age music playing. It's almost therapeutic. And of course, there's the fun aspect of it. I don't agree with those who use it to guide their lives....but I do think it's nice to indulge once a year or so.

Tarot cards have a long history; and one of the things I love about them, is that your energy is supposed to be in control of the cards. The reader is merely someone who's explaining the cards that your energy has presented. To me, the best readings are from those who truly understand what the cards are supposed to represent, and explain all aspects of the meaning - rather than what they're interpreting the card to mean.

It's not always easy finding a good reader, but that's okay. I'm willing to take a chance....

I think I need to take a day, and roam around historic Salem before the Halloween hysteria sets in.

*Title of post is lyrics to a song...not my feelings on Tarot readings!


Big Ben said...

I've been to Salem, but I didn't get my cards read. It sounds like fun.

chesneygirl said...

That sounds like so much fun!
I've never had it done.

Martie said...

Sounds interesting and fun.....wish I was there to accompany you! Enjoy yourself and be sure to fill us in on what the reading tells you! ;)