Tuesday, October 11, 2005


I'm an exceptionally nostalgic and sentimental person. I never, ever return a gift that someone gives to me - even if it's something that isn't exactly my style. I'm always just touched at the thought that someone put into trying to find something that they think that I'd enjoy. And that in of itself - makes a gift that isn't necessarily something that I thought I'd like - become something that I love.

My favorite gifts are ones that have been made for me. One Christmas, an aunt made a photo album - filled with pictures of family members of generations previous. Relatives I had never met before, but heard stories about...to have an album full of memories of times gone by means more to me than it does to most people I'm sure. One year, I got a phone book - filled with everyone in the family's addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, birthdays, etc... I loved it.

One of my other most memorable and treasured gifts was from my parents. You know how growing up, there are certain foods that your parents made that you just looked forward to? They're part of your sense of what "home" is... Well, about 6 years ago, my parents put together a cookbook for me. I LOVE to cook and entertain, so my parents took on this challenge of collecting hundreds of recipes from the internet, printing them out and placing them in plastic coverings, held in a loose leaf binder. Included amongst these recipes are the recipes of family favorites - the foods that really symbolize my parents. For them to have taken the time to write them out, (complete with funny anecdotes)and type them up - and include them in this collection of recipes just thrilled me. I love this cookbook, and I refer to it as often as I possibly can. Most of these family recipes I now know by heart - but reading them is just as enjoyable as actually making them.

So yesterday, after my parents left to go back home - I made my Dad's Famous Tuna Fish for lunch. I guess that was my way of extending the visit just a few minutes longer...


clew said...

I just loved this entry, as I'm the same way. I never return, I never regift - the fact that I was thought of enough makes an item a treasure to me.

Your photo album and cookbook sound so wonderful. I too would have selected a long loved recipe to cap off a visit like that :)


Rebecca said...

hahaha, regifting.....
Hello Seinfeld! :)

Jerrster said...

wow....do you ever have my couriosity up with that tingle lip gloss you mentioned...wow Sephora huh?

Cheryl said...

I have a cookbook like that--it's one of my most prized possessions! Keeping gifts that are given to you is a part of being gracious--a word I'd bet describes you well. Graciousness is a trait that seems to be losing ground in our culture today.

DBFrank said...

Famous Tuna Fish? Gonna share, or keep us wondering?:)

bigwhitehat said...

My simple spiral with the family recipes scribbled in it, is my prize possession. Most of the recipes are for huge portions. They were meant to serve 20 people or better.

Rebecca said...

hahahha, I think I'll add my Dad's Famous Tuna Fish on Jag's Recipe Blog! :)

Jerry: Lip Fusion by Sephora. :) What will they think of next??

Cheryl/Big White Hat: I think the more those types of gifts are used, the more valueable they are to someone else down the road. I'm hoping that one of my kids wants this cookbook when they get older. :)