Monday, October 31, 2005

Busy, but enjoyable weekend...

So busy, I only vaguely remember Friday night! That is when you know you did a lot of different things.

We had our first snow on Saturday! I was out with the kids shopping and as we were walking out of the store, there it was. Heavy, wet snow - the kind that when it lands on you, if you look really closely you can actually see the designs in the flakes. My son was thrilled - he had his head up, tongue out - and was catching snowflakes in his mouth. This was my daughter's first real sight of it. And, in true sibling fashion - she imitated him! Throwing her head back with her mouth open, not exactly sure why she was doing it - but laughing as she did. If people were watching us, they probably got chuckle, because I couldn't resist doing it myself. Something about reliving your childhood with your own kids is just magical.

My son is at an age where he is starting to procrastinate bedtime. Not often, but on nights that I'm on the phone and so I didn't sing him a song - he only got Daddy's stories - he'll creep downstairs and hide like a mouse until I find him. Then of course, I usher him back upstairs -but he got an extra 10 minutes out of me. Smart kid. Anyway, this happened a few nights ago. As I was tucking him into bed, I said to him "you know, Santa Claus is watching you, so it's really important that you go to bed when you're supposed to". And he says to me "he's watching me already?". "Of course he is! All year long....and, the Great Pumpkin and the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny - they're all watching too. If Santa sees something he doesn't like, he's going to tell all of them - because you know - they all know each other". He thinks about it for a second and says "they do?". To which I replied "of course they do! They all went to kindergarten together...." Aha....the manipulation of innocence for a mother's advantage. You've got to love it!

And - a postscript to Friday's post about the coincidence of the ex's: At the shower I went to on Sunday, one of the guests was my high school sweetheart's mom. She looks beautiful, she hasn't aged a bit! And she's thrilled because her son is expecting a baby; it seems his baby shower was last weekend. This was news I already knew - the grapevine where I grew up is really small - so I'd already digested this information. And - he's naming his daughter, ironically, the same name as my daughter.

Life is funny, isn't it.


Susan said...

Life sure is funny....I'll leave it at that!

And ironic how snow fell before Halloween this year. I was crying looking out the window!

bigwhitehat said...

What is snow?

Rebecca said...

Glitter: I know, I don't remember it snowing quite that early before!!

BWH: Wise guy! ;)

ramblin' girl said...

I love catching snowflakes on my tongue, still, and just because I love to.

and your absolutely right, life is funny!

Bougie Black Boy said...

can't believe you had snow!!!!

Michelle said...

I can't believe it. I left you a huge comment today on this post and an update on your "weird zone" post. Did you get an email confirmation?

I don't have the energy after trick or treating to re-post it.

Rebecca said...

Hey Naive -
No - I didn't. But Blogger does that sometimes. It did that to me today on Cheryl's site. Drives me crazy!!!

Stephen: No snow in the Bronx yet?

Lori said...


I have to admit, when my daughter was 2 it snowed a LOT on Halloween. It was so deep that we couldn't even go across the street to Trick-or-Treat.

Cheryl said...

Blogger's been strange lately--my site was completely blank when I returned from school this morning--I had to republish it. Anyway...first snow!! What great memories that brings back. I remember if it happened when we were at school, someone would yell, "SNOW!!!!!!!!" and we'd all get out of our seats and run to the window, no matter what the teacher was doing.

It's magic, the first snow is.