Thursday, November 29, 2007

Walkin' talkin' flim flam man...

So unimpressed with Mitt Romney. I have to tell you, when he was Governor here - I liked him. He was a moderate, middle of the road kind of Republican -- though fiscally conservative which is the way I tend to lean on money issues. But wow has he gone to the other extreme. Which makes me believe that he is the kind of man that will say whatever he thinks will win him the vote. And he did not present well at all. Which to me doesn't really matter because I wasn't going to vote for him anyway. But I was almost embarrassed to have him linked to Massachusetts; especially when he went on and on about being a Red Sox fan at the end. Seriously Mitt - you lived here for what, 2.5 years? Were you really always a Sox fan? I did however, love Rudy Guiliani's comments at the end about how the Yankees haven't won since he was Mayor. Very cute.

What was interesting about last nights debate was that they all were so different from one another in their points of views, whereas the Democratic candidates weren't all that much off the mark from each other's opinions on things. The Republicans ran one end of the spectrum to the other. Which sort of makes it difficult for me to choose a candidate to like in both instances. The Democrats are all rather wishy washy; the Republicans each have qualities that I long for -- but are often radically in the wrong direction of some of the social issues I believe in.

I have to say that Mike Huckabee surprised me and came across as the most rational -- even in the pro life/pro choice issue. I knew nothing about him going into this, and came out of it thinking that he seemed the most middle of the road. Guiliani came across well; McCain I thought came across a little too angry and condescending at times - though I agreed with much of what he said, the delivery was harsh. Should the delivery matter? I don't know. Perception is everything though, no? Ron Paul was very likeable as well...although I think he was anti-gay in the military, if I remember correctly - and that didn't sit well with me. But then again - not everything will, right?

What are the most important issues to me? Probably immigration, pro-choice, health care, fiscal health - not in that particular order, though immigration is top for me. But that's a rant for another day...

I just don't want this to come down to yet another "lesser of all evils."
So who's a girl to vote for?


Bo Zimmerman said...

Hi Rebecca -- take another look at Dr. Paul. As a libertarian, he is certainly not anti-gays-in-the-military. He was asked this during one of the earlier debates (which you can youtube, of course), and his quite reasonable response was that it should be your conduct that gets you kicked out of the military, not your sexual desires.

Susan said...

The lesser of the evils is how I always vote...

Cheryl said...

Funny. I read the title of your post and thought you'd written about my ex-husband. :)

Thomas said...

I agree with you... again?? The Republicans are all over the place. I wish Colin Powell would run for President. The unfourtunate thing is it seems like the fringe factions within each party end up selecting the candidate for President. This makes it difficult for a moderate to get on the ticket, which most American's would vote for (myself included).

Like you stated, most people will not agree with everything a candidate states or professes to believe. In fact, I would say that most American's lean conservative on some issues and liberal on others, which puts most of us in the middle.

I'm curious, what is your stance on immigration?

Suldog said...

Just for the record: The lesser of evils is still evil. If the two "major" parties don't have someone you like, my advice is to go outside of them and find someone else.

I like Ron Paul. If he doesn't win the nomination, I suspect that I will once again vote for a Libertarian candidate.

There are many good choices out there, and not all of them are getting the publicity lavished upon them like the Dems and Reps do.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bec....

Seems as tho you and I align pretty closely on 'opinions'
If you got a my blog on immigration. You might want to 'copy' it if it 'hits home' :)
Luv always,