Sunday, December 04, 2005

Things that make you go "hmmmm?"

Miss Cissa Fireheart has tagged me to list ten odd facts about myself. Now, recently I did this little tasker all on my own because of a children's show that inspired now, to come up with 10 more as a tag; wow, I feel pressured! Not that I don't have 10 more - because I'm positive I do. But to find interesting ones well, that is the kicker. So here for your amusement are 10 more "Ridiculous Quirks and Habits of Rebecca"....

1. I have a penchant for sharpie marker pens. For some reason, I think they make my handwriting look prettier.

2. I remember every phone number I've ever had in my life - including pager and cell phone numbers.

3. A few days before I come down with a cold, my bottom lip gets really full; so much so, that I tend to chew at it a bit because it's in the way! And then - it seems even fuller. Weird.

4. I sing while I drive. All the would think I was the next American Idol.

5. I love banana splits - dried banana chips, banana milkshakes - anything with bananas. But peel me a banana and hand it to me? No thank you.

6. I'm the only person I know who describes colors in food terms on a regular basis: Chocolate, plum, mocha, cream, buttermilk, pumpkin, etc...for some reason, when I'm describing things and their colors I get a warm fuzzy from describing them or thinking of them in terms of food.

7. I can't help gawking like a schoolgirl when a group of motorcycles ride by....that is the sound of summer, my friends.

8. I have to organize all my photographs in chronological order. It will absolutely bother me if I don't - and I'll rearrange the whole damn album if I have to so that it works.

9. I'm an absolute road rage driver when I'm alone. I love nothing more than to bust 'em on someone who is a jerk on the road. Say someone thinks I'm not driving fast enough and they ride up the rear? hahhaha, I'll slow down to 25 miles an hour....and then when they try to pass me - I speed up so they can't cut over. And then I'll smile and wave - maybe even blow them a kiss. I know - it's wrong. But I can't help it - I'm from Boston!

10. I love to work out and be completely enveloped in sweat. I mean, dripping, hair soaking wet, purple faced - can't breathe kind of sweating. If I don't completely drip - then it was a total waste of my time.


Cissa Fireheart said...

LOL Rebecca. thanks for doing this! ;)

I am like that withthe pictures too! LOL I never thought to mention it!

funny how reading others' quirks gets me thinking how I have them too! LOL Especially the road rage, but mine is funneled by fear ...long story....

Cissa Fireheart said...

oh and BTW's MRS. Cissa Fireheart ;) ....just wanted to tease ya 'bout that hehe....

clew said...

Rebecca - #6 and #8, I am SOOOOOO the same way!!! I LOVE describing colors with flavor-words, and I have to do my scrapbooks in chronological order too. Naive-no-more encourages me to skip around and do the layouts I feel inspired to do, but I think I'd have an aneyurism if i did that.

Cheryl said...

You're a road rager? How funny is that! Altough Boston traffic is awful--more dangerous than NY, in my opinion. #8 must go along with the alphabetized CD thing, and I do it too.

Rebecca said...

Hey all - yup, I'm a road rager. Interestingly enough, that seems to be the thing that is most surprising about me. I'm definitely an aggressive Boston driver. ;)

Hey Cissa - yes, I know you're Mrs, but here's another quirk about me: I often tend to call people "Miss" despite their marital status. It's just sort of fun and girlish! Hope it didn't offend you... but I don't think it did. :)