Thursday, December 08, 2005

Cold Hands.....Warm Heart

So this is the second morning I've woken up to no heat.

I think the thermostat is broken - the wiring that calls up to the boiler doesn't seem to work; I managed to get the heat to come up (fortunately), but wow - 54 degrees is not a comfortable temperature to wake up to. Never mind the fact that my little daughter's bedroom is on an outside wall which means it tends to be the coldest room in the house! Poor little chickie....

So, I leave my cold house, to go into my cold SUV to drive to work; fortunately - my heat works very quickly!

I park in Egypt (translated into "the furthest possible spot from the front door"!) and walk through the cold weather to get to work.

I come into work and SURPRISE!
We have no heat.

The good news is.....

The house will be warm when I get home; the HVAC contractor will meet me and try to figure out what is going on; and I'll have a rip roaring fire going and start making dinner which always makes me happy anyway! The kiddies will have a warm bath before bed and all will be warm and fuzzy.

And tomorrow is shaping up to potentially be a snow day!
Which is always alot of fun.


Alison Rose said...

I have two words for you: electric blanket. Thanks to the screwy venting in our house, my son's room is distinctly cooler than the rest of the rooms. A couple of years ago we bought him an electric blanket, and he's been happy as a (snuggly warm) clam ever since. Even when the heat is on, it's a nice feeling.

Bougie Black Boy said...

OH my god. I hate that for you. My heat is too high. And wont' turn off in the winter months! I'm sweating!

Cheryl said...

My hands and nose are cold in sympathy for you. :)

Michelle said...

I thought Stephen said his heart was too high at first, not his heat. I immediately thought of the Grinch. LOL

Did you get your snow day today, Rebecca? We did!