Wednesday, September 13, 2006

What truly irritates me....

People that are always on "Transmit"....and never "Recieve".

You know the type.... the ones who think that they're smarter than you. They endlessly read you their resume. They want you on their team - but for what? It's not as if you have any true added value in their opinion, because you aren't of their caliber. Or maybe you just aren't telling them what they want to hear you say. They want all the glory... but often don't have the guts to go with it.

They spend so much of their time not listening, and dictating - they they spend just as much time backpedalling to fix or explain situations that they entered into - without taking into consideration the ramifications that were clearly outlined for them prior to jumping in with both feet. (and their hands tied behind their backs, with their eyes closed. Because they have all the answers you know.)

They tend to point fingers, incorrectly lay blame...and be dishonest in situations. They'll throw other people "under the bus" so to speak, in an effort to make themselves appear in a good light.

Take one for the team, my friend. That is being a good leader. Make a bad judgement call.....admit it. If you didn't pay attention when someone spoke, and you engage in actions that you otherwise might not have had you listened - then own it. If you are talking with people who are discussing something that is out of your realm of expertise - don't challenge them on it, and then tell them their wrong. It's called listening...and learning.

Something that we should never stop doing in matter how old we are, or what our position is.

The strongest and most effective leaders in the world are ones who lead by example - not by force.

This is a lesson that for some, unfortunately seems to fall on deaf ears.


Shayna said...

Wow......what happened today??

Martie said...

This sounds as if it belongs with an earlier post of I correct? Remember, the guy you decided to put on your Christmas card list?

Cheryl said...

And a good lesson it is. One I need to remember, even when the team I'm leading is made up of 9-year-olds!

Lori said...

Well said!!