Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Random thought for today...

"It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma."

I've always liked that quote, and it's been circling in my head for the latter part of this afternoon.

Life. Always full of surprises. We never know the questions until they staring us in the face.... And we almost always never know the answers....


Michelle said...

Ah, but the solution almost always lies within the problem. :)

Big Ben said...

I prefer to wrap an enigma in a taco shell and have a snack (mystery meat).

Steve said... should know by now, the truth is never in an enigma and if there is an enigma a truth will never be found and the answer will only be what we want it to be,not what it is.

Love ..Dad

Martie said...

Mysteries surrond and engulf mysteries! Very confusing for some and therein lies the problem!!