Monday, March 20, 2006

No Tolerance for Bureaucracy...

Last week, someone from my office was unexpectedly removed from their position. He was second in command - a hard charger, strong decision maker, good leader and team player. These types of qualities in the civilian workforce aren't easy to come by. Inadequacy runs rampant within those ranks.

This person was brought in as a temporary fill, as he is one grade below the allocated slot grade. And because of alot of breaks in the "system" - the extension for his position was never made. And while he'd been told he was covered and would be able to stay - in a moment's notice that was changed. And so he was removed from his position with no warning. And the powers that be, would not change the grade of the position to match his; and he was low on the list to submit for the position in the proper grade. Why? Not for lack of experience...not for lack of schooling...but for the bureaucracy of appearances. Perception. The cutthroat competitiveness of the GS folks feeling like they were not given the same possibilities as another GS person. And he's clearly the most qualified for the role.

What I don't understand is: Good enough for 5 months temporary; not good enough for permanent.

Yup, I'm a little bitter. I don't have any tolerance for this kind of political gaming. I think it's wrong. I'm a direct, straight shooter, and I expect more from my workplace. I expect more from my government.

So they let the right candidate go, for the wrong reasons.
Remove the person who is getting the job done effectively, to calm the savage beasts who would roar.

Puts a whole new spin on the phrase "good enough for government work"....doesn't it.


Cheryl said...

After a few years working for Municipal Gov't, I SOOOOO understand this lunacy. Well, actually I don't UNDERSTAND it at all. But I've experienced it.

*** said...

Oh man, can I relate to this. We have the flip of that situation going on where I work. Someone with a lifetime of department store clothing sales is hired immediately to fill a lead position in an area of the life insurance industry. I will state no more for fear of giving up too much information, but believe me, it's happening everywhere.

chesneygirl said...

I have ZERO tolerance as well. My husband worked for a company where this kind of stuff went on ALL the time and eventually happened to him!
It sucks and it's wrong and it makes me so angry when there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

Steve said...

Sorry Bec...I tried to post yesterday but the darn thing wouldn't let late than goes !!

I can empathize with you regarding you know..I am very much dead set against how bureaucracies work..or I should say....'don't work'..Often times 'fairness' is left out of the 'equation' and usually the most 'undeserving' individual(s) gets the 'shaft' for doing usually a job that far exceeds their counterparts. One thing is certain to which you will be experiencing as you progress thru the 'living experience'...Life isn't always if rearely 'fair'......Just take a deep breath and keep looking over your day...that 'tap'...might be just for you....unregretably so !
Chin up......Dad