Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Messages from beyond....

I've been to a few mediums over the past 5 years. I'm pretty selective about who I go to, and I never go more than once a year. I'm not really looking for anything necessarily - but I am curious about the hereafter. I definitely believe that some people truly have a gift, and can interpret "messages" from another dimension. Personally, I believe we all probably have that ability as children, and just some of us are aware of it and sharpen it - some do not.

And I do believe, or rather - would like to believe - that if there truly is a "heaven" or alternate dimension that we go to when we leave this Earth, that maybe they are watching over us and are really with us in spirit. So, it sort of is interesting to me that messages can come through various channels as signs of letting us know that we are surrounded by those who have passed before us. I don't go for any purpose other than mere curiousity - and an appreciation for someone who may truly have a gift. If nothing comes through - or the person is really "reaching", well then - I'm no less worse for wear.

The best mediums I've been to, were the last two . They were exceptionally specific with their expressions of who they felt were around me at those times. The last one was so specific, she referred to them by name. Which is pretty amazing. What's even more amazing, was that she was correct. There was no guess work about it. It was just their names. And that particular day, and interesting fact was that none of the people coming through were for me. They were for people around me.... I was a messenger. I've been told by ever medium I've been to that I'm a strong conduit for those on "the other side". So I spent that day calling everyone whom I had messages for from their loved ones. It was a nice feeling. One instance where there wasn't any "don't shoot the messenger!"

I'm very excited because I'm going to see one of THE BEST mediums around, ever. If you've ever seen him on television, then you have to agree that he's pretty damn good. I started watching his shows as a cynic - I don't buy into most of what I see on television. And while I would like to believe - I'm stil very skeptical. But I became addicted, because he was so good.

Then I had to stop watching, because it was almost addictive. It's been almost two years since I've watched his show...and he's coming to Boston.

I'm going to see John Edward. It's a gallery group that's being filmed for his show. That means there's probably no more than 50 people there in the room. There's a pretty good chance that I might have some of my "spirits" come through for me, since I'm such a "strong conduit". We'll see.

I've been fortunate enough to say that in my immediate family, I've felt pretty comfortable with the passings that took place; there's only one unresolved one, mostly because it was rather sudden. This is the one person who has never come through for me.

I have to admit - I'm hoping that April 21st is that day.


Mellissa said...

John Edwards is amazing. I myself go to see a lady a couple of times a year. Beth and I have become great friends - and her no-nonsense, straight-forward name using style blew my socks off.

She has been amazingly accurate about things in my life.

Good luck with John E., and I hope that you get the connection you are hoping for.


bigwhitehat said...

Rebecca, I love you but I wish you weren't into this stuff. Half of it is hoax and the other have is pure concentrated evil.

clew said...

I love you AND bwh. I think bwh is partly right - there's a lot of hoaxers and charlatans out there. But I know you know that.

As for the rest being evil, I'm not so sure about that. There is much we don't know, and most certainly by design. God commands His people to steer clear of spiritism because (I'm ad-libbing) it's very easy to be drawn into an obsession with it. Hence, another god before Him. Much of these supernatural forces are evil, I'm sure. But it's a multifaceted world we live in. Not fully understanding something doesn't necessarily make it evil. We just have to be very careful.

On another topic (mine) - I wanted to tell you, Rebecca, if you find October Project today or whenever, you HAVE to let me know what you think! I mean right away! I know you'll love them, I just have a feeling. If you can't find them locally, Amazon carries them. They even have some audio clips so if you want to catch a sneak sample, you can check there. I also have Falling Farther In (it too is great), but the first CD, simply titled "October Project", is my favorite...

Sorry to hog up so much room. Dang woman, I need your email address. ;)

clew said...

my statement about God's motives are just a personal thought on ONE reason. Please nobody accuse me of being a false prophet - it's just an idea. Hugs!

Cissa Fireheart said...

Well Rebecca, I am a fan of John Edwards, and I am jealous as all! I have lost some people in my life that I would give just about anything to have some way to have them contact me. I must admit, had I known John Edwards was coming, I would have gotten tickets, no matter the price.....especially with the date, it's so close to a significant loss to me, I am tearing up just thinking about it....

ok, taken up enough of your space. Be sure to share the results with us, if you can!

Rebecca said...

Hey all!
Yes - I'll be sure to share my experience with you, believe me! :)

BWH: I completely understand your point of view; my uncle is a devout Christian and he cringes when I bring this type of conversation up. While I don't share the same views, I can respect and appreciate them. I think Clew expressed the point of view that I would've expressed. And again - this is not something that I look for healing, or guidance from - I take it at face value. It is not a replacement for faith. What I've told my uncle is that I think it can reinforce faith, and the hope that we truly do not "die" and that we live on amongst those we love. But again - I think I understand where you're coming from and I respect that. :)

bigwhitehat said...

No disrespect, but do you remember the movie Time Bandits?

It is that kind of pure concentrated Evil. Spirits are older smarter and meaner than you. And they have anonymity that makes the internet look silly.

Cissa Fireheart said...

BWT - no disrespect, but this is Rebecca's blog and if she feels things like this are a sign/message from God and spirits, then be a GOOD Christian, and encourage the cultivation of faith.

You want to talk about evil and whatnot? How about American Idol? Now That's some EVIL stuff right there. Practically a golden calf concept!! Talk about your mortal sins!

chesneygirl said...

I've never had an experience with anything like this. It sounds COOL though!

I look forward to reading the outcome! :)

Michelle said...

Within the last two months I've had two dreams about people that came true. The first; I dreamt my SIL was having a boy and she found out at her u/s that she is. The second; I dreamt another SIL's father died. The first phone call the next morning was letting us know that he had.

I dreamt last night that Drew was going to die. I woke up at 3:30 and rushed to his bed to watch him breath. I've been up ever since.

*** said...

That's very interesting. I used to have a friend who has very much a follower of these beliefs and would have different experiences based on who she went to see. I always enjoyed her retelling her experiences and whether or not things occured as she thought that might.

clew said...

Bashing American Idol? Hrumph! If anyone starts picking on Harry Potter I'll sock you in the cyber nose! ;)

(Just kidding, I'm being fecitious today!!!)

Rebecca said...

Wow - I'm glad this generated some good conversation! :)

BWH - I never saw Time Bandits - but I'll have to check it out. :)

Mimi - Yes, but I have to say - Sylvia Brown is one that I don't have much confidence in. I think she reaches quite a bit on the readings I've seen her do. I don't know...Thanks for coming by! :)

JC said...

WOW, what a blessing to see John Edward. I think that probaly will never happen to me as I live in Mexico City. Still, I'd appreciate so much to connect with someone I love and left me a year and a half ago. it would mean the world to me if someone like John could tell me she's for sure with me, then I'd be in peace and I'd feel the happiest man alive...I'll be cheking on you next april 21st...