Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Words and thoughts for Wednesday.....

1. I love, love, love Giada & Ina. I know I've said this many times before, but seriously - everything that they make just is so simple and yet so decadent and seemingly delicious. I wish I had the creativity to come up with the menus and recipes that they do, but I suppose that is what makes them "chefs" and myself - not. I do try though. As a matter of fact, I saw some old friends from elementary and high school today at a wake I attended, and my girlfriend said that she loved seeing my dinner ideas that I would post online; I thanked her, but told her sometimes I think they probably sound better than they taste. I am my own harshest critic, for sure. (Although I am thinking of coming up with a recipe blog, or maybe a recipe Twitter site.)

2. Speaking of said friends and the wake.... I am not typically the type of person to ask for help with anything. I don't know why; I'd be the first person to help anyone with anything - but yet I stifle myself on the smallest things. Anyway, one of the girls is an oncology nurse and so my aforementioned girlfriend insisted I ask her questions about my Mom. I'm glad that she did though, because she's more than willing to help out and get information - even a doctor's appointment if need be -- and I mentioned it to my mother who surprised me and said she'd take that offer up. So, I feel a little better now knowing that she might actually get a second opinion from someplace other than the Sunshine State. (No offense, my Floridian friends but truly Boston is where it's at for medicine - though as Nichole pointed out, there are other areas as well, but I'm a bit biased.)

3. I definitely need to go back to running, yoga and acupuncture. I'm feeling a bit stressed with the buildout, though I think I've gotten the bulk of the running around done and now I can focus on other things. But truly, not running or going to yoga sort of makes me feel blah. The endorphins from exercise are invalueable, never mind the fact that it makes me feel better overall. Yoga is as I always say -- a workout, and therapy -- all in one. So, I see my studio has added morning classes so I think next week I'm definitely capitalizing on those. And yes, I will be running next week as well. I don't care if I just run the lake first thing in the a.m. -- I am all set with not doing for me. The acupuncture, well - I think I'm just in need of an adjustment. The weather spiked a bit today and I think it sent me into borderline migraine territory; I've warded it off, but looking back it's been 7 months since my last treatment. It seems that I can go 6 months at a time before needing a tweaking - and when you don't have headaches any longer after a while even a minor one seems major because you aren't used to them anymore. So, it's a good thing not having headaches - but then also, a not so good thing.

4. Life is like a box of chocolates. Well if that wasn't a true statement from a fictional character, then I don't know what is! We never know what's in store, and in a blink of an eye - life can change. So laugh loudly, love fiercely, and live life to the fullest. Make lemonade from life's lemons, because you can always find the upside of down if you look. Embrace the unexpected because sometimes - the greatest surprises can be found in the least likely of places.

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