Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunkissed, happy, and birthdays...

Another fantastic weekend that I'm sad to see end.

Today is my Princess Petunia's 5th birthday. She was born 5 weeks early, and her actual delivery time was 9:04 a.m., and as we were downstairs this morning - opening her gifts from yesterday's party, we happened to glance at the clock at just that time. So with presents in hand, and all of us together - we rung in the exact moment she turned 5 years old.

We had her party yesterday and I'm so glad we didn't postpone due to the weather forecasts leading up to the night before. It was absolutely gorgeous outside yesterday - a perfect day for a pool party.

Today, we took her on yet another picture perfect day - to Canobie Lake Park. We really love it there. I'm not so much of a ride person -- actually, I don't like amusement rides at all. Not even a little; but I love walking around - the grounds are beautiful, the park is so clean, the food is relatively decent for what it is -- and watching the kids is a blast in of itself.

So lots of love and kisses to my Princess Petunia -- no longer my "baby" baby... but who will always be my baby.

1 comment:

Suldog said...

Happy (belated) Birthday to Princess Petunia!!!