Friday, January 04, 2008

One of the worst movies...ever.

I don't get to the movies, at all. So when I take the time to rent a
movie, it really brings me down when it's awful. And I don't mean just
plain awful - I mean God Awful. I could only watch so much of the Iowa
Caucus, so On Demand was a welcome distraction. Flipping through the
hundreds of movies that one could possibly choose from - there couldn't
have been a poorer choice to have been made. Put the corny and really
intentionally bad "B" horror movies aside -- I'm talking mainstream
media here.

"Premonition" with Sandra Bullock was one of the worst movies I've ever
seen. It had an okay enough concept -- but wow, did the director or
screenwriter really go astray on this one. The story line was muddled,
inconsistent and confusing as a result. Where was the continuity
monitor? When dealing with a movie about a person having premonitions,
and timelines are really critical to the plot - why would you have very
obvious inconsistencies in the clothing and effects of the cast?
Especially when you're drawing your audience towards really paying
attention to what's going on? Never mind the fact that while the plot
was very dark - much darker than I had anticipated given the previews -
it was a terrible ending! Horrible ending!

Listen, there have been movies that while not Academy Award material,
and have been panned by critics - I've found to be "okay" after I
watched them a few times when they've been re-run on HBO or Showtime.
"Gigli", while not a tremendously brilliant movie - was cute. Jennifer
Lopez was really cute in that. I think the critics expected so much and
with the Bennifer media frenzy - everyone wanted to see it bomb anyway.
But take away the media hype and it was actually an okay movie.

But "Premonition" is one that should've been left on the cutting room
floor. Along with other really just bad movies such as: "Eternal
Sunshine of the Spotless Mind". I know it won an Oscar, but I'm sorry -
that was a horrible movie. Had so much potential and yet I felt like
"that's it???". Must've been a poor Oscar year, nothing to choose from.
"Double Jeopardy" with Ashley Judd is another really bad movie. "The
Stepford Wives" was one that I really could not believe I actually
watched. Sometimes I think that people remake movies for no reason
other than to see them in color, or for a lack of new ideas.
Truthfully, "Stepford Wives" could have been tremendous and just fell so
very flat.

Truly, watching the aftermath and results of the Iowa Caucus ended up
being such a breath of fresh air and at least that wasn't confusing!
Though the results I don't think made much sense, and it had sort of a
surprise ending but - that's a rant for another day...!


Real World Martha said...

Funny we just watched this last night. My husband thought it looked really good so he's been really wanting to see it. At first I thought it was full of suspense. As it went on we were hoping it just wasn't that she was crazy. The end was like what? We ended up buying it preowned and it looks like that might be it's fate again.

clew said...

Wow, good to know. I like Sandra and I've been eyeballing that movie for a while. Thanks for the insight!

Have you seen Deja Vu? It's a good one, and maybe more of what you were hoping to find in this stinkbomb. :)

Spring training's around the corner! A distant corner, but a corner!

clew said...

P.S. Oops I hit post too soon. Thought I'd mention that though I've made several attempts, I've never been able to get through Eternal Sunshine either (snooze!) and Truman Show was another one that everyone raved about and I hated ... but I actually really liked Double Jeopardy ... :}

Speaking of Ashley Judd, she was in a movie several years ago called Eye of the Beholder. Biggest piece of sh*t I've ever seen. If you ever see that one, run. Run fast, run far.

Okay I'll shut up now.

clew said...

It's me again. Thought I'd let you know you inspired my latest post.

See ya at the movies!