Tuesday, February 20, 2007

She was still just a girl...

So, I'm home sick today - got probably one of the worst cases of food poisoning I've ever had. I had a great night last night, went to yoga - came home and ate my dinner. A little steak and chicken over salad w. white vinegar dressing. (Ugh, I think I'm going to be sick just thinking about it!!) Anyhow - nothing really for one to get sick over. But, I've been violently ill since about midnight. No drama here....truly violently ill. I tried to get myself into the shower earlier to think about coming in late - and there was no way. I'm too weak, too nauseous, too sick.

I'm not really even up for watching television, I've been drifting in and out of sleep; this moment here as I type is probably the most energy I've had. And the inspiration for my getting my sick butt out of bed to post on my little blog, is the chaos that I've been listening to called the "Anna Nicole Smith Burial Trial". What a fiasco! The judge is an absolute idiot, and I've never seen such disregard for respect and restraint in a courtroom, nor seen it encouraged by the presiding judge.

I don't care how messed up this girl was. I don't care who she slept with or didn't sleep with. I don't care who the father of her child is. What's most important is that this poor girl who's life was troubled when she was alive - is put to rest. Where she wanted to be placed, next to her son. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that was what she wanted. For any of the other parties who think they're involved to be involved, including her mother -is absurd. Take away the celebrity, the drama and the chaos - and she was just a plain old girl, stumbling her way through life. Not making the best or right decisions always - if ever. But that doesn't entitle people to try to "own" her life now that she's gone.

Who cares if Howard K Stern isn't the baby's father? He's clearly the only one in the bunch that loved Anna no matter how big she was, how messed up she was or wasn't - and is clearly the only one who would have the wherewithall and want to raise a child who's clearly going to have a difficult time ahead of her. And he should be the one who's looked to as the sole communication of what Anna Nicole Smith would or wouldn't want.

And now if you excuse me - I think I'm going to go throw up.


Lori said...

I hope you're feeling better by now. I remember a few years back when I had a terrible case of food poisoning. As you say...violent.

Take care of yourself - do that liquids and rest thing!

Suldog said...

You didn't have any Peter Pan peanut butter lately, did you? Salmonella, in case you hadn't heard.

Anyway, hope you feel much better very soon!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you....

I'm feeling the vomit coming on from the antibiotics the dr put me on, thankfully not from eating.