Tuesday, November 07, 2006

"Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution."

Last night I re-watched one of my favorite movies. It's funny, I can watch this movie over and over again - and yet it never comes to mind when I'm answering the random question of "favorite movies".

"Shallow Hal" is probably one of the funniest movies...and touching at the same time. Not a huge Jack Black fan, I've gotta admit. But the sensitivity this movie shows about beauty being "in the eyes of the beholder" is wonderful. And with Jack Black as the lead character in this, it's rather ironic because he's not exactly the type of guy that one would think to cast in a role to be so judgemental. Same with his buddy there, played hysterically by "George Costanza" Jason Alexander. These guys are not quite in the same "beautiful" category themselves - on a purely superficial scale, of course.

I can find something beautiful about everyone....I know that sounds corny, but I mean it. Everyone is someone's child, and everyone has a parent who (hopefully) loves them and wishes the world for them. To not even give someone a chance to be your friend based solely on their outward appearance is just so wrong. Kids often don't know better, or buckle to pressure and sometimes aren't always nice to everyone. But as an adult, I think there is no excuse for it.

There's more to being a beautiful person than how we appear on the outside.

I know alot of really "beautiful" people who are just ugly and mean on the inside. And I really believe that those who can't be nice to other people and factor in a person's appearance as being an excuse to be mean to them, clearly have issues within themselves that go pretty deep.

People sometimes think it's a sign of strength to "prey" upon those whom they either perceive as being "less" than they are, or those they feel intimidated by. If they only realized that there's strength in kindness, they'd probably go alot further in life.


Peter N said...

I think I'm getting better at understanding the wonderful way that you look at life. Life surrounding you. And I'm a better person just for that! Have a great Tuesday Rebecca.

Suldog said...

I haven't seen "Shallow Hal". I suppose I should.

It amazes me when I'm hanging with friends from my softball team and the ugliest guys make off-hand comments about how much of a "dog" a certain woman walking by is or some similar classless act. I feel like screaming, "For God's sakes, have you looked in a mirror lately? What do you think they're saying about you when YOU walk by?"

Anonymous said...

So true, so true. Which is kind of my motto for life, treat someone the way you would want to be treated.

Big Ben said...

My favourite line from Shallow Hal is when Jack calls Tony Robins "Banana hands".

Rebecca said...

Max!!! And you didn't let me know?? Glad to hear....I love Boston too - as much as I love LA, I don't think I could ever give this place up full time. :)

Where did you go while you were here???

And how is Cheryl?? :)