Wednesday, November 22, 2006

It's all about giving thanks....

To some, Thanksgiving is a day of football and food....
To me, it's a day to reflect upon the past year.....and watch football and eat food!

I have much to be thankful for, and thought I'd share some of my most important reasons.

I'm thankful for my recent recognition and understanding of my own spirtuality. As I've mentioned many times, I'm not a religious person per se - I'm more of a spiritual type. And it's only been over the past year that I've come to fully understand and clarify what I do and don't believe, and how I choose to honor God. I've had some situations over the past year that have tested my beliefs - and I dealt with them as best as I could; I feel comfortable with my acceptance of their circumstances. For this I am thankful.

I'm thankful for my health. This year I've had people close to me struggle with their own health - some winning their battles.....others losing. It teaches you to take life's day to day troubles into stride, and makes you realize how important it is to take care of yourself. While we can't always control conditions that might afflict us, we certainly can take care of ourselves before finding out that there is something wrong. This actually ties into one of my New Year's resolutions for this coming year I think. Making it a point to go to the doctor on a far more regular basis is something I need to do.

I am thankful for my new found wisdom. There's a difference between being smart, and being wise. I think I've finally learned to recognize the line between the two. It's funny....I'm always questioning life, my own thoughts and everyone else's - that's just part of who I am. But I've learned over the past year it seems, to just sort of take my own advice (which isn't always half bad) and choose my battles more carefully. Stop trying to change the world, stop trying to save everyone - I don't have to think for everyone all the time. Just let it go......
It's a wise choice and you know what, I'm thankful I've made it. Now, if only I can stick to it.....

And lastly, I'm so very thankful for the collage of memories made daily, that I'm blessed to call "my life".
I'm merely the is my family, and my friends who are the colors that paint the portrait of who I am.

Have a lovely Thanksgiving......


joy said...

Happy Thanksgiving beautiful !

Peter N said...

What sweetness. Happy happiness to you and yours!

Martie said...

Such a lovely, wise post! I have so many things to be thankful for, too and one of them is for all the wonderful friends (you and the rest) that I have come to know through blogging. Happy Thanksgiving, Rebecca to you and yours!!! HUGS

EB said...

GREAT post! Happy Thanksgiving!

bigwhitehat said...

Tony Romo still kicks butt.