Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday Musings.....

As I sit here drinking my Starbucks Peppermint Mocha (with skim, no whipped - naturally), it occurred to me that while this coffee and the fruit cup I got completely hit the spot today as I'm freezing from the dreariness -- it was pretty pricey. $7.00 for a cup of coffee and about 1/8th of a pound of fruit. That's a good gig the 'Bucks has going on.

Which brings me to my thoughts for today...

1. Always go with your gut when it comes to your body. Yes, I am suffering a slight setback with my knee. Slight is the key word which I'm very happy about. He said it's only about 2-3 weeks off course for me. Seems I had this loud crack in my knee about 10 days ago now, and since then my gait has been off; I've encountered lots of discomfort and swelling -- and the swelling has been as bad as presurgery. I was very nervous about it, actually -- and Saturday was the worst it's been. So very swollen and bruised looking. However, I went to a candlelight yoga session Saturday night, convinced that I was going to overcome. Fortunately -- and oddly enough -- the swelling went down by almost half by the time class was over. So, seeing that I was relieved that it wasn't a tendon or ligament issue -- which the doctor confirmed today. Turns out it's scar tissue that broke and floated into a part of my knee that it doesn't belong in. So my knee is revolting. He said if I can add more yoga to my PT regimen it will help break it down sooner and more efficiently - and that this is a minor setback not to be concerned. So it was win/win for me. My feeling that something wasn't right was confirmed, but not serious -- and I get encouraged to do more yoga. (As if I ever needed any encouragement in that area!)

2. I don't know how a company can be so shortsighted. I found out on Friday that my daughter's Pre-K is closing on 19 June. The company that sponsors the Children's Center has deemed that it's not effective enough as a recruiting tool to keep it any longer. Mind you - this is the most fabulous children's center and private kindergarten I have ever seen. And while my daughter will be attending public kindergarten and wasn't going to be attending during the summer -- it's still such a shock to hear. All of those children will now have to be relocated; parents will need to find new arrangements -- the public schools will now have an influx of students; and how about all of the teachers and staff? The last thing this economy needs are more unemployed people added to the statistics. This company was providing not only a valueable resource to our community - but to those who attended. The facility is gorgeous - the staff is tremendous - and truly, a positive environment for all those involved. To tell the director to "sell things piecemeal if need be" is horrifying. Why not charge rent and allow the school to be a separate entity? Increase tuition if need be? They didn't even allow that option, which is such a sin. I now plan on taking my daughter out earlier than expected because I think seeing the demise of the school, and the heartbreak of the staff is something I want to spare her from.

3. There is sometimes unmistakable evil that lies within some souls. I don't think I've ever been more convinced of this than now. The story of the young monster (dare I call him "man") who killed his two sisters, decapitating one of them is unspeakable. I cannot venture to guess what he thought he was accomplishing, or why he would do something so horrific to a family member, let alone a child. It turns my stomach, and death by 4 rounds of police gun fire was far too kind of a death, in my opinion.

4. Sometimes it's the simple things to make the day seem happier. Tonight its family movie night - and we're taking the kids to see "Monsters v. Aliens", complete with dinner out after.

If that's not a great way to start the week.... I don’t know what is.


Suldog said...

MY WIFE relayed the story about the murders this morning. Amazingly gruesome. Reportedly, the cops are undergoing psychiatric counseling because of what they saw. That's not something you hear every day, and Thank God for that.

Rebecca said...

Thankfully, we don't hear it often.

Those poor parents, lost three children in one fell swoop. No matter how much of a monster that boy turned out to be, he was thir sweet baby once -- and that has got to hurt. :(