Be still my little heart, she was adorable. Tap & Ballet - and she loved it.
It's funny how there are some kids that just love to dance, and are the leaders in their group. That would be my daughter. Her and another little girl (not pictured here) were the leaders of their little dance class.
I can hardly wait for next week. Especially since there are many more leotards and little dance skirts for her to wear! I think it's almost more fun for me in some ways than for her!
We're having a play date in my house today with one of my son's friends. They're so cute - they almost look like brothers, both blonde with spiked hair. They both have soccer games this afternoon, but I told his Mom that truthfully my son might sit today's game out with it being rainy. To me, missing a soccer game because of the weather is far less important than to miss school because of being sick from playing in the rain. He's only 6 - and we're not talking World Cup soccer here.
So, a little laundry....a little fun w/ the kids, and hopefully a little quiet time with the hubby (with sushi!) will be on the agenda for tonight. Of course, the Yankees game.
(Which, ugh - I went to bed last night before the last inning that we blew up in. I thought "it will be okay, we're far enough ahead to go to bed. WRONG. Please, don't get me started....)
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