Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Just an observation....

So, I'm at work - and on crutches. I have to use them for this week and all of next as I'm recovering from my knee surgery. Truthfully, I do still need them -- and I'm still quite swollen and sore. Anyway...the building I work at, is not handicap accessible. At all. And I work on the second floor. At the very end of the hallway. Oh -- and we are on a hill - and the entrance to the building is a mini-hill as well.

Which would be okay -- not a big deal, I can trudge up to the building, and climb the flights of stairs with the crutches -- but opening doors, and/or carrying things -- well that's a challenge.

It's even more challenging when there's people walking in the hall ahead of you, see you coming and they say "hey, how you feeling?" and you say "good, thanks!" -- and then they shut the door behind them, leaving you to fend for yourself. Instead of waiting the extra 15 seconds or so for you to make it through the door as well. Because everyone can't wait to get to their job?


I have one co worker in my office, who has graciously offered to get me coffee -- or help me carry in my things if need be. Yes, this is the same co-worker who was nice enough to offer to have me make tea in his teapot with spring water, rather than the chemically altered and tainted water in my building.

Did I mention that I work with probably about 60 people here?

Clearly, there's a shortage of kindness in this building.
Or maybe, it's just ignorance.

Just sayin'......


TheDreadedGug said...

What you need are several strong young men to bear you around on a...err...what are those things called that people get borne around on? Litres? Lires? Lytres? Whatever, get one of those and some Chip and Dale Dancer guys, and you'll be all set. You can tell them to call you "My Empress," like, "We have borne you to your cubicle, my Empress." This will work, trust me.

Rebecca said...

Fabulous advice Dr. Strangelove. I do say I should try it. But to find the several young that would be the challenge... LOL.

BTW, I see you've ventured into your own world here - and while I am unable to view it at work, I certainly will at home. Looking forward to it.

TheDreadedGug said...

I nuked my blog. I'm not ready for prime time, my Empress. :)