Friday, February 20, 2009

Monday cycling,Tuesday gymnastics, Dancing on a Friday night...I got Bridge Club on Wednesday, Archery on Thursday, Dancing on a Friday night...

I am not the kind of girl that says "super" a lot; That's "super good!", or "I'm super happy!". Typically - one would never hear that phrase and think "hmm. Yes, that sounds like Rebecca." But for the record, let me just state that I am going to go out of character for a minute, and exclaim that I am "super excited" that today is Friday.

For a short week, it was a busy one. I refinanced the house...bought a new stove....attended important new business oriented a hair sick. Oh - and work in between all of that. So, I'm ready and willing for the weekend to arrive.

This was supposed to be an incredibly busy weekend; I had a wine party to attend, one of those Travelling Vineyard kinds that I always get a chuckle out of going to. ( I feel badly because most of the time they end up referring to me for, their wines are really not good and sorely overpriced. But I digress....) Then a Mia Bella Candle party...oh, and this weekend was going to be a soiree that I had to postpone due to no oven. You know that whole "everything happens for a reason" logic I referred to in my last post? Well, it applies here for sure. Because at the beginning of the week as I was terribly disappointed to have to cancel -- it's a good thing I did. Because no way, no how would I be up for cooking for a houseful tomorrow.

Tonight the kiddies are having a campout in my son's room - they're so excited, they're going to sleep in their new sleeping bags on his floor. So we're making home made pizza and cookies -- then they are going to settle down and watch their favorite Viva Pinata DVD before hopefully snoozing for the night.

Saturday, I think I'm going to take them to our local gymnastics facility for a tour - and possibly get them enrolled in a program for Saturdays. My it's a great place, they have a gym for adults as well as a centralized location for adults to be able to watch the kids do their classes. So I think that would be good, something for my daughter who had opted not to do dance this year; and to tide my son over until Spring Soccer starts. Plus my Princess Petunia is so gymnastically inclined, I want to get her in there before she develops fears, because as of now -- there are none.

Sunday, I'm hoping to do food shopping and I really, truly want to make a turkey. So fingers crossed, my sense of smell and taste will be back by then so I can. I can't consider the oven truly "christened" until one has made a turkey in it.

So this is the weekend that I've got mapped out; not too busy compared to how it was - which I'm really thankful for in retrospect. Somewhere in the middle there will be relaxing, and a little bit of store design going on as well.

Did I mention I was "super excited" that it's Friday....???
4:00 simply cannot get here quick enough.

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