Monday, July 05, 2010

Bork, Bork, Bork!

I wish I'd gone to culinary school.
Had I known that there was such a thing when I was a child - I might have pursued it. At the same time, I didn't really know how much I love to cook, until I was a quasi adult. When I moved out, I loved cooking. I wasn't really "allowed" in the kitchen as a child; sure, I was able to lick the bowl when making brownies or cake with my Mom, but actually having the freedom to cook in the kitchen alone was not a liberty given to me.

I remember my first culinary experience; I tried to make my mother breakfast in bed for either her birthday or mother's day -- and I fried some eggs. I was young - maybe 8, and unfortunately, the eggs were rotten. The whole house stunk from the smell; not my fault of course, but seriously -- after that effort I was completely forbidden from using the stove. I don't recall us ever having eggs go bad after that either, interestingly enough.

Anyway, cooking is something that definitely became a fascination of mine after the age of 18. And while I may not be an Iron Chef -- I certainly love to come up with my own creations and play with different recipe ideas.

This weekend, I made home made clam chowder that rocked - as well as spiral ham (that doesn't take much effort, outside of the glazes I make on my own);I also made a pretty yummy pasta tossed with chicken sausage, fresh herbs and lemon. and truly - there are few things I do that make me as happy as cooking for my family or friends.

Cooking and eating is purely social for me; if I lived alone, my life would be filled with Rice Krispies. But fortunately, I have a life full of people to cook for -- and if I had the time to attend Johnson and Wales at this juncture in my life, trust me when I tell you - I would.

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