Monday, January 05, 2009

She's off and running.....

I'm starting my re-energizing detox today. It's not a drastic, or terribly restrictive one; just all the fruits, vegetables, and clear soups that I want during the day, and then at night I add brown rice to the mix. It's fabulous because you lose all that extra salt and water weight that brings you down, and I don't feel as if I'm being restricted by limiting my food intake or having to only drink liquids. In my opinion, those strict detoxification plans are just as much of an extreme diet as Atkins or anything else. They just trick your body, which isn't really what you want to do. The plan I'm following is for 5 days only, and it really is quite good. I've done it a few times, and not only do you feel better, but your metabolism is given a jump start. Think of it as going Vegan, and Caffeine/ Sugar free for 5 days.

I think because I'm hampered so much by my knee, my energy level is down. In turn, I'm far less motivated to do things in general. I'm not exercising at all, which is making me really sluggish -- and I'm finding that it's harder to get up in the morning, which rather irritates me. But that will all change today!

I am also planning on rearranging my bedroom today. I've got an idea of how I want it to be -- complete with losing the big ol' armoire that's in our room and instead, hanging a flat screen television to free up space and make the room more open and flowing. I know I'm crazy to do it with the above mentioned knee issue, but hey - a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do. I am also planning a trip to pick out a new comforter set which we really need. I'm so ridiculously picky though -- it's a painful process for me to commit. I will do it though....

This week, there will be brainstorming going on about the rooms for each of the kids -- I don't know that there's much that can happen for Princess Petunia's room, it's rather small - but we'll see what we can come up with. I think with a little creativity and thinking "out of the box" miracles can happen! My son's room should be easier -- his room is much larger.

And finally....I will get my lazy butt downstairs into my gym, where I will lift once again. I will embrace the burn of crunches which I should be able to do some form of, given my lack of being able to completely bend or straighten my leg - but I will find a way.

It's Monday. It's the new year....and I am ready to take on the world once again.


chesneygirl said...

Good for you!

When you're done with your room, do you wanna come do mine? ;)

Rebecca said...

LOL, well - let me see how successful I am with mine. ;) I should do before & after photos, huh?

I think I just may!
Happy New Year, btw Ms. Chesney Girl!! :)

Shoot me an email so I can tell you how to find me on Facebook. ;)

Nichole M said...

I am *so* with you on the comforter thing. We needed one for about three years before we found one we liked. We decided it was better to keep the old one with holes than get a new one we didn't like... seemed reasonable at the time!

I hope it doesn't take you three years!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

My best for 2009! Love the blog, even in my lurkerdom...

TheDreadedGug said...

This year, I'm dedicated to drinking more Scotch and eating pork rinds. No more pussy-footing around! If I don't enter 2010 drunk, fat, and in poor health, I'll be very disappointed in myself. Thanks for the inspiration!

Rebecca said...

Ugh, what is up with the sudden spam comments?

Nichole, I hope it doesn't take me three years either, LOL.

Ken - thank you so much! :) I appreciate it - and I have to confess, I lurk on your blog from time to time as well. You guys crack me up...!

Anonymous - Well, I'm thankful I've inspired you. :) Who doesn't love a good scotch w/ pork rinds?!?! Don't hold yourself back, and for God's sake, don't deprive yourself!