Friday, January 23, 2009

It isn't what you don't know...but what you do know - that can kill you.

I am heartsick for the Anthony family.
Absolutely heartsick.

The latest in this tragedy is that little Caylee's grandfather, George Anthony -- left a 5 page note indicating that he did not want to live any longer. The weight of knowing that his daughter intentionally killed his beautiful granddaughter, and without regret lied to everyone all of this time - clearly is too much for him. Of course, this is just my guess as to what is contained in that letter but I venture to guess I'm not far off the mark.

And who can blame him?

The evidence that keeps coming out is overwhelmingly pointing towards premeditated murder. I'm sure in his heart of hearts, he was well aware that his daughter was behind this; but like most of us you hope beyond all hope that at the worst it was accidental and she was scared. Publicly you staunchly defend them because as a parent - that is what you do. You can forgive an accident. But how do you forgive predication, premeditation and lack of remorse not only for the one that was lost - but for the ones left behind. As a parent, I can't imagine how that must feel knowing that your child - whom you loved and did as best as you could by them -- could be capable of an act such as the one that this apparently has turned out to be.

I wrote the Anthony's a letter, about two weeks before they found little Caylee's remains. I wrote it for them, but truthfully - I wrote it just as much for myself. I am so saddened by this case, and just felt the need to reach out to them. I know that they more than likely didn't read it, but maybe they did? Maybe for just a second, I was able to provide them a bit of compassion -- which I'm guessing must be very difficult for them to obtain in this incredibly judgemental and hypocritical society.

This was a regular family -- that has been completely destroyed not only by the horrible act of violence that has thrust them into the public eye - but also by the intense scrutiny and analysis of that eye. They are ordinary people, in a horribly extraordinary circumstance. One that I wouldn't wish upon anyone.

I have a feeling that with George Anthony being hospitalized and under watch, along with whatever this letter contains -- we are going to find that there is going to be very little mystery left to this case for the defense to justify or try to create. This may very well cause the Defense to change their plea to guilty in an effort to avoid bringing the death penalty back on the table.

That's my hope at least.

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