Thursday, August 10, 2006

Mixed Emotions....

Prior to hearing the news this morning, I had been prepared to talk about how I thought it's too soon for a movie called "World Trade Center".

It's just that I think it's too soon to have the event commercialized. I don't mean exploited - I don't think that someone of Oliver Stone's caliber would do that; but I just don't feel comfortable with the fact of someone making millions and millions of dollars capitalizing on even the most beautiful of tributes, this soon.

Fortunately, I didn't lose anyone directly connected to me on that day; and even I got all emotional hearing the commercial. I couldn't imagine how someone who's life was completely ravaged on that day seeing and hearing the trailers (starring Nick Cage of all people, please!) must feel.

Don't misinterpret what I'm saying. I believe that September 11th needs to be in the foreground of everyone's minds....I watch all the footage, and read the articles - I personally, keep myself well connected to the situation at hand. I don't feel that we should be complacent....nor do I think that we should watch the footage constantly, for fear of becoming desensitized to it. Once a year, at the appropriate time - I think it's imperative that we relive that day and never forget.

That being said, after hearing the news of this morning's terror plans at Heathrow that were interrupted, I'm still not sure of how I feel about the movie. I do think that this needs to be an eye opener to everyone out there who thinks that the threat is gone. I do think that those who disagree with phone tapping, and other methods of government "invasion" in an effort to protect us from those who intend us harm should wake up and take a long hard look at who your enemy is. The government is not looking to spy on you, Joe Blow Citizen...they don't care about the weed you smoke, the drugs you deal or the person with whom you're cheating on your spouse with. They're interested in tapping people like those like the 21 arrested today. Don't be afraid of losing your civil liberties. The bad things that you might be doing - aren't of interest to the US Government.

I wonder how some of the very outspoken liberals opposed to the war on terror in Hollywood feel today, knowing that one of the planes was destined to land in LAX....?


chesneygirl said...

I always love your writings on things like this Rebecca!

I agree with you totally and completely.

Well said!

chesneygirl said...

ha ha ha! Just read your GH comment over at my place. I wish I had your email...since I don't I'll update you here.

I don't think Sonny & Carly will get back least not in the near future. Sonny isn't really 'seeing' anyone right now...he just broke things off with Emily Quartermaine.
Carly and Jax are together now...sort of.

Jason and Courtney are not together. Courtney left the show...she "died" (so expect to see her back in a year or two..ha ha!) When she died she was kinda two-timing Jax and Nikolas.

Jason just recently broke things off with Sam. Sam still wants to be with him.

Liz and Lucky are married but Liz just found out Lucky is having an affair with Maxie Jones. It ticks me off! I love Liz & Lucky, I wish they'd leave them together and happy!

Anyway, there's your update!! :)

*** said...

I will not see that movie. At least I'm not planning on seeing it at this point in my life.

Big Ben said...

I remember turning on the T.V. in my apartment in Arlington and seeing those buildings on fire and I thought it was a movie. Too soon.

joy said...

I just saw a special screening of this, It was done well. I was six blocks away from WTC and I think their couldn't be a right time for this kind of film in our lifetime. Although we don't want to be reminded the families who lost loved ones never forget.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is a little too roar still...