Thursday, August 03, 2006


You can't live without 'em.....and you can't shoot 'em. Ugh.
What's a girl to do???

Self centered, egotistical, self righteous and ignorant. That's what the lot of them are.
I'm trying so very hard to raise a son who is anything but those things.
And despite my "better half" (choke, cough....better?!?!? Let's just say "other"...) I will make this happen.

I just want to scream, I'm so irritated right now.

Clearly, if men were left to carry the load of women in this world - not only would the species have died years ago - but it would've whined throughout the process as well.


Martie said...

Even though men don't carry the load they still do a lot of "whining"! Big babies, the whole lot of them!

*** said...

Since my son is with me almost all the time, I don't see that ever being a problem with him. I can empathize with you though. I guess that's the one good thing about not having a steady father figure corrupting my boy!

Big Ben said...

Hey women do enough complaining themselves.

Men rule - we hunt and gather and give orgasms to women - we rule.

bigwhitehat said...

Go ahead. Make a sissy boy out of him. He'll love you for it.

Cheryl said...

Yeah. Well, that's why I'm in no hurry to remarry. :)

chesneygirl said...

Amen to that girlfriend!!!

Fletch said...

"Women love us for our defects. If we have enough of them, they will forgive us everything, even our gigantic intellects." - Oscar Wilde ;o)

Ciao Ciao

Anonymous said...

Men are always *whiney* they think it earns them brownie point and instead they get blogs like this.