Tuesday, August 22, 2006

A girl...an email....and the Secret Service....

It's a long story, but.....the jist of it is that we nabbed some Nigerian email fraud person trying to use stolen credit cards while attempting to puchase three cases of Dom Perignon AND having them shipped with a fraudulent DHL account number. There's a minimum of two people involved here in this instance.... one, that we (the Secret Service and I) traced back to Nigeria; the other located in California. Who, might I add - was dumb enough to use his real name and address, with a land line that's listed in information. And he answered the phone!!!

Tsk, tsk, tsk. The difficulties that have been placed upon them now as a result of this. The FBI, Secret Service...and local authorities in his area of the state are really going to be making his life uncomfortable in about...oh I don't know, 15 minutes?

Is it wrong for me to feel this good about it?

Truly, I only got the federal level agencies involved because- no one checks Dom Perignon to be legitimately champagne when it's loaded onto an airplane. They can't. How do I know that someone doesn't want to empty the bottles, fill them with some "unknown" flammable fluid, recork them - and them check them as cargo onto a plane for either distribution - or for detonation. (It's hard not to think this way when you work for the military!) So where I had this person's email, home address and telephone number - I just couldn't let my conscience rest until I passed off the information. If nothing is done with the information I provided, well - I can't control that. But I did my duty as an American, and I feel good about that. At a minimum, they can have this loser on fraudulent credit card usage.

There are many, many more details that go with this story..... but this will do for here.
Just yet another tale to add to my already colorful life!


chesneygirl said...

Great story!!
I would feel good about it too!!
Good for you girl!! :)

bigwhitehat said...

Wow. Will you put on the braclets and the onesie?

I had a real comment but kodijack made me forget it.

Shayna said...

Not surprised at all, at your investigating skills, my "Venus in Blue Jeans":) You make a Mom proud!

Martie said...

Wow, never a dull moment in your life, eh? You are my heroine! Good job award to "Rebecca, Crime Fighter # 1".