Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Be still, my beating heart...!

Imagine my surprise, when I opened my inbox today to see I had an email from none other than: Jason Varitek.

Well, rest easy out there in blogosphere. It's truly just spam.
Sort of.

(Now, though I knew it wasn't really from him - I have to say my initial reaction was a loud "huh?!?" aloud, wondering to myself "what the heck?!?!" and swiftly followed by "and what in the world would he be wanting to talk to me about? Does he need wine?!?!")

It's from Celebrities for Charities; and since I'd been to the Celebrity Putt Putt before, my name must be on a mailing list. Actually, I know I'm on a list because I typically disregard their emails receive with other athletes names on them as a lure to open the message. I should've known better - but this was the first time I had seen one from Jason and it was kind of funny.

Silly spam mail.
Where will the madness end?

Footnote: Speaking of silliness....tomorrow's post is going to be about a book I'm reading, that is absolutely hysterical. Stay tuned!

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