Tuesday, August 09, 2005

"Mama's got the magic of Clorox2...."

Well, here's an interesting tidbit I thought I'd share: You know how when you buy a pretty bouquet of flowers, and put it in a clear glass vase - no matter what you do, the water turns colors, and often smells? No matter how frequently you clean the stems, etc. it happens. Well, here's a trick! Add a little bleach to the water, approximately 1 tablespoon. Not only does it keep the water clean, the flowers last a little longer - and it smells great too.

Ok - so, I haven't read Jennifer Aniston's interview in "W" yet, however I have heard tidbits. Poor, poor Jenn. She's still so in love with him. And I had completely blamed her for their break up initially. I'm still holding onto the hope that he'll come crawling back to her. And that she doesn't take him!

Just got through doing chest and triceps with my husband...oh yeah, I'm feeling it.

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