Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Murphy's Law

You know the one. "If anything can go wrong, it will..." or something to that effect? Welcome to my life.

Sunday, I find out my sitter is leaving us. She's having an emotional breakdown of sorts related to circumstances in her life outside of us - and isn't in the right state of mind to be around children. Lovely.

So, I take this week off to try to find another person to care for the kids. No easy task, I assure you. I'm thinking - the weather's supposed to be nice, it should be a fun time with them. What happens? I have a case of "rapid onset pneumonia".

I'd go more into it, but ugh - you really don't want the gory details, and honestly, I just don't feel up to sitting at the computer. So - if you don't see me around, don't take it personal. I'm just not in any shape to be doing much of anything.


Queenmatrai said...
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Queenmatrai said...

Oops, hope things sort out

Come back soon


chesneygirl said...

Aw, Rebecca I sure hope you're feeling better very soon!
Hugs to you!! :)

Best of luck on finding a new sitter too...been there, done that!

Michelle said...

Oh no. When it rains it pours, huh? I'll be thinking of you. Take care of yourself first. Hugs.

Big Ben said...

I'm sure everything will work out.

clew said...

You poor woman. God thoughts & prayers comin' atcha!

We'll be here when you return! :)

*** said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry, Rebecca. Sounds like a trying week for you. Best of luck in getting well and finding a replacement. Everything will turn out okay...eventually.

Martie said...

Hope you feel better on getting well before you start looking for another sitter! Hugs!

Cheryl said...

Rebecca, I'm so sorry. All that stress and sick, too! I hope you find a new sitter soon, and that you're feeling great in no time at all.

clew said...

I meant to say good thoughts - but God thoughts arent bad either ;)

Sorry - I'm sleep deprived.

Get well, sistah ... Hugs

Mellissa said...

Feel better soon - sorry about the sitter - but better gone than emotionally unstable.

Call your girlfriends for back up this week!!!


bigwhitehat said...


I'll pray for you. You'll get better soon.

Rebecca said...

Hey Guys -
Thanks!!! I still feel like I've been beat up, but I'm doing much better than earlier this week...

I think I've secured another sitter - I'm pretty sure anyway. Sometimes you gotta believe that everything happens for a reason, right?

That what doesn't kill you.... ;)

Susan said...

Hey Rebecca, Are you still looking for a sitter? My sister is looking for something to do until the baby is born. If you are looking for someone to watch the kiddos let me know!


Feel better!