Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A little Spring "meme"....

While I haven't been tagged, I have seen this fun little "interview" at many a blog over the past two days. So I figured I'd adopt it for my self since I've got lots of thoughts running around, but not quite sure which one I prefer to expound upon. Ayez un beau jour...
1. Who was your first Prom date? I went to the senior prom when I was a junior with a good friend of mine, Dave "Bif" Howard. We were great friends, we hung out all the time. I think we had crushes on each other, but neither one of us ever acted on it. Not even a kiss goodnight.... total pals. :)

2. Who was your first roommate(s)? One of my best friends. I've written about her before, the one who contacted me recently out of nowhere that sort of has those resentments I mentioned. I avoided us moving in together when we were younger because I thought it would destroy our friendship.

3. What alcoholic beverage did you drink the first time you got drunk? Tequila straight up. I was 18 1/2. I didn't drink before I graduated high school at all.

4. What was your first job? Outside of babysitting - a bagger at a supermarket.

5. What was your first car? A 1988 Renault Alliance my exboyfriend bought me for my birthday. hahaha, it cost more to register it than it was worth - but I loved that little car!

6. When did you go to your first funeral? My Auntie Saralee's funeral, when I was 15.

7. How old were you when you first moved away from your home town? I was 18 1/2 and I moved to Revere. One town over, but culturally a world away.

8. Who was your first grade teacher? Mrs. Glennon. I loved, loved, loved her.

9. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? Florida – my aunt and uncle flew me out there for a vacation when I was 12.

10. When did you sneak out of your house for the first time, who was it with? I never snuck out of the house. I would bend the rules sometimes - often break them - but I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt of making my parents worry if they woke up.

11. Who was your first Best Friend and are you still friends with them? Hmmm. From 1st to 8th grade, Suzanne was my best friend. Then Jennifer (a cousin of mine by marriage) moved into the picture and the three of us sort of bounced back and forth. Three girls clearly can't be best friends! Guess who was on the losing end of that stick??? Me. I still keep in touch with Suzanne via email. And Jennifer(the cousin by marriage) and I do not keep in touch.

12. Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parents house? I moved into a really nice apartment in Beachmont, on the third floor of a house that overlooked the water.

13. Who is the first person you call if you have a bad day? Hmm. No one. I mean, I call my friends irregardless of whether its a bad day or not. But I don't usually call anyone and "vent".

14. Whose wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid/groomsmen? My pen pal Heather.

15. What is the first thing you do in the morning? Open my eyes. Kidding. Then, go to the bathroom.

16. What is the first concert you ever went to? Aerosmith's Done with Mirrors Tour. Their first tour back together again.

17. First tattoo or piercing? My ears were pierced at 8; second piercing at 22 (double in ear)

18. First Celebrity crush? Matt Dillon

19. Age of first kiss? 14 1/2. Jimi Tracey. He was a "bad boy", but he was so sweet and nice to me. I always wonder what happened to him. I think he really spelled his name "Jimmy" but did it like "jimi hendrix" to be different.

20. First crush? David Wilson. Suzanne and I both had a crush on him in second grade - he was the new kid in school and we both were his girlfriends.

21. First time you did drugs? Senior year in high school. I smoked pot for about 5 months - but being the control freak that I am - I didn't enjoy it and stopped. Other than that - I never tried anything else.


clew said...

I usually pee before I can open my eyes.


Also - I would have been your best friend and we could have kicked Jennifer's butt! Poophead!!!

chesneygirl said...

This was fun! :)

I might steal it soon.

Michelle said...

Another great list. You're such a sucker, you get tagged all the time. See, everyone wants to know more about you!

Martie said...

Very interesting! Glad you decided to play. Tell naive to playa too, or tag her!

joy said...

Matt Dillon was my first crush too. When I sa him in "The Outsiders"

p.s. I added you to my links, I hope it's o.k.? If not just let me know. ;)

Rebecca said...

Hey Joy-
Absolutely. :)
Thank you!

*** said...

I would be willing to bet that's the first thing most women do in the morning!

I'm impressed that you didn't drink until you were 18 1/2. I've got quite a few stories about my teen drinking years. Oh the shame...

Cheryl said...

Yup. Bathroom first. I've thought that when I've seen this meme elsewhere. Started liking the bad boys early, did you? Me too.