Monday, May 03, 2010

She says she talks to angels....says they all know her name.

The situation with my Mother isn't really going well and unfortunately, I think we are going to be saying our final goodbyes in the very near future.

In an effort to be proactive regarding the visiting hours at my house, I called one of my girlfriends who has a catering business; I figured if I can determine in advance what I might need, it would be just a matter of making a phone call and that's one less detail to think about.

It's so funny, I know my girlfriend really well; granted, our lives are both insanely busy so we don't visit often but we talk on the phone at least once a month to catch up and say hi. Between her catering business and her family - and my store and my own family, both of us barely have time to breathe it seems. Anyway, my point being that as I was on the phone with her to plan some catering, she mentioned that she volunteers in her spare time (free time? I have no idea where this girl would squeeze free time in, she's flat out! But when it comes to certain things you make the time and that's the truth; sometimes socializing just doesn't place as high on the list as sharing yourself with others, but I digress....) at a hospice facility nearby, and if I needed any help possibly getting my Mom into such a facility she might be able to assist.

I was so touched and almost in awe of her selflessness. Volunteering and sharing of oneself is a gift - and no matter what field it's in -- it's a treasure to the recipient. But how often do you hear of people volunteering at hospice? The kindness and compassion that is in a person's heart, to spend time with people so that they don't have to be alone at a time that is less than comfortable and often scary - to me is amazing.

And truly, it's not a surprise to me that she would be the one to do this. She's truly that nice of a person, and one that I'm just honored to have in my life.


Susan said...

Awww...Rebecca, I'm so sorry about your Mom. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to call me.

Suldog said...

Very nice of your friend.

My prayers are being said as this posts.