Sunday, April 22, 2012

“It's always darkest before dawn. So if you're going to steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.”

I love reading the Sunday paper.  It's my once a week indulgence, when the house is quiet and the kids are still sleeping; I make a cup of coffee and sit at my kitchen table with the birds chirping and read.

I love the paper for the same reason that I love the book store.  I love the touch and feel of the paper...the smell of the print.  When you have the newspaper in front of you, you may will read stories that you may tend to skip or just scan online. 

The same goes for reading a more often than not scan online pages than read them.  We're not programmed to read online, the internet is more often a tool for scanning information, rather than getting lost in it.

The beauty of the print paper too is the mere journalism that goes into it.  And journalism should not be a dying art -- blogging and new media should not be the casual way of receiving news of an authorative or even interesting manner.  There is a time and place for everything and yes, I love blogs and bloggers and casual sites - but English is an art, and for those who don't appreciate it - for you I am sorry.  While some may argue that newspapers going online does not kill journalism, unfortunately I think it does.  Good, even possibly brilliant writing may go unseen - lost amongs the skimming of casual interest.  Not to even point out that as a result, organizations don't feel that they have to necessarily hire skilled writers, and that impacts the workforce nationally, and on a more personal scale - locally.

So I do my part, and I read my paper every Sunday.  And I hope you do the same!
And if you choose to surf the Wall Street Journal, NY Post or other publication elsewhere from where you live, that's okay too!  But just be sure to occasionally indulge in a good ol' fashioned sensory experience of flipping pages, and folding papers.

1 comment:

Suldog said...

Damn right. One of my supreme pleasures is going to the store and buying the newspaper on Saturday (sometimes on Sunday, if I don't have ball that day.) Each part of it is a different joy, and I spend a good two hours in reading almost every article, doing the puzzles, and devouring the statistics in the sports. An actual print newspaper teaches you more than going online to read because you will turn a page and come upon something that you wouldn't see when you go online and pick and choose.