Sunday, May 07, 2006

I hear the secrets that you keep... When you're talking in your sleep

Growing up, I would walk in my sleep. My parents would tell me stories of how I would wake up in the middle of the night and walk into the living room, sound asleep. More often than not - I'd have conversations with them too. Yes, I'm a bonafide sleep talker.

I talk in my sleep while dreaming, that's pretty common. But my husband and I have had conversations that I don't remember because I was sleeping.

I miscarried a child before having my daughter - and as a result of being further along, I needed to have a procedure done in the hospital, requiring general anesthesia. I clearly recall them preparing to "put me under". The next thing I remember, is hearing myself talk, and asking the nurses that I could see in front of me "are they going to get started any time soon? I feel like I've been here forever!". To which I was promptly told that I had been there for quite some time, and they were done. Done??? Which means, yes - I talked throughout my recovery - and more than likely - throughout the surgical procedure as well. I mean, HELLO - I talked enough to wake myself up! What is wrong with me?!?!?!

When I saw my doctor the next morning, I sheepishly asked him if I talked while under anesthesia. To which he smirked at me - said "don't worry, you didn't incriminate yourself about anything..." and laughed. Of course, I prodded further - "well, what exactly did I say?" and he said "lets just say you are one of the most talkative people I've run into in a while. But don't worry, you really didn't say anything that would embarrass you. You just talked about random things - and if I asked a question about anything you said - you launched into a full discussion about it. It was pretty funny actually."

Typical Rebecca.
So yes, the myth we've all heard about "truth serum" or talking under anesthesia is not a myth.
Clearly, I am not conversationally challenged - even while I'm asleep!


Hale McKay said...

Are you sleep commenting on our blogs too? (Joking for an opening.) Re: Your comment at my blog about being uncreative - please let others be the judge of that. As far as I am concerned, people, yourself included, who write so eloquently about themselves are creative in a way I am not. I envy that kind of creativity. I cannot seem to find that much about myself to attempt to write something interesting.
...Your are creating a diary - a slice of your life, if even in anecdotal form.

Queenmatrai said...

Believe it or not, I'm exactly like that - a couple opf years I went under for surgery and when I woke up the doctor asked me questions about my personal and work life that there was no way he could have ever known...

It totally freaked me out...then he told me how I babbled on and on through the entire surgery but it amused the entire operating staff...hahaha


Martie said...

Oh Rebecca, I can relate to this! Several years ago I had an angioplasty done and for that procedure they give you something so you are "consciencly sedated" so you can co-operate with them.

I was told I talked a gret deal (like non-stop) and I asked them if they answered me and the surgical nurse laughed and said "Oh Sweetie, you wouldn't let us get a word in edgewise!" LOL

Michelle said...

okay, this is really embarrassing, but I'm gonna tell you anyway. You like a good laugh right? And this is just one more way we are alike.

As I was given medication before a surgical procedure, I said to the anesthesioloigst that his drugs made my legs feel like I just had sex. I never got to see him again to apologize. I bet he tells that story at parties. HA

Big Ben said...

Wow, that could be interesting! If I was your hysband I would talk to you while you were sleeping and try to convince you to do things you don't want to do.

Gunngirl said...

As long as you weren't untucked when you were tucked before. (as in Seinfeld) lol

Cheryl said...

That is hysterical! And fits the bubbly personality that comes through here in your blog.

Anonymous said...

My problem is I talk tooo much sometimes. I guess that's why we are both good at our jobs.

bigwhitehat said...

Ahh. That title brings back memories of when I had hair.