Sunday, July 17, 2011

I had the time of my life.....

So while the vacation I was just on was not was definitely relaxing. I can't remember the last time I ever wasn't on a schedule - and that in of itself was priceless.

G actually relaxed which was something I don't think I've seen in years....we had no concept of what time of day it was outside of watching the sun in the sky. Great company, good food, fabulous weather, and a perfect seascape.

Ironically, the photo in my previous post actually shows the house we stayed in! Who knew?? It was a random photo of the beach we were at, and yet in retrospect, two of the three houses we were in is in it. How were we in multiple houses you ask? Well, it was a group vacation. Three families, three houses - one beach.

Good times....good times.

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