Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Random Thoughts for the day....

1. Being a working Mom is sometimes a bitter pill to swallow. Especially on a day like today when one of my girlfriends is having a birthday party for her kids - and I don't get to go along with mine. It's gorgeous out, it's a water themed party - and not only are my kids going to be there, but some of my girlfriends will be as well. See, it's not just the days when everyone is sick that we working Moms wish we could stay home…but also when the kids are going to have a great day as well.

2. I'm going to a Slumber Party tomorrow night w. Glitter. What's a Slumber Party you ask? Well, it's one of those "girls only - adult toy" type parties. Yup. It should be a ton of fun! Although, I must confess - while I love going to these things, I'm not a huge shopper. (Read between the lines on this one!). Last party I went to, my girlfriends were hysterically laughing because I bought body moisturizer and a cookbook. Yes, a cookbook! I’m a little straitlaced… What? Is that a bad thing?

3. Speaking of cooking….I also have a Pampered Chef party coming up on Tuesday. Now that kind of party - this girl can do a ton of shopping at!

4. Um…can we please trade Wily Mo Pena now…? Please????

5. There's no good new music at the moment. I've been trying, really trying to find something amazing to like - and outside of Brandi Carlile (who isn't all that new) I'm not loving anything new that I'm hearing - in any genre. I mean, the songs I liked a few months ago are still really good. But I'm looking for something else really great now. One can only hear "Big Girls Don't Cry" so many times before they start crying themselves!

6. So just for funsies - I sent a resume to both Entercom and NESN. I doubt I'll hear back from them, but one never knows. I don’t think either one of them would financially come close to where I'm at right now, but who cares?!?! Well, clearly I DO really care - but it would be amazing to be able to work for either of those organizations. I still hang onto the dream of being a radio host, or the new Tina Cervasio/Hazel Mae. Probably won't happen but hey - a girl can dream.

7. I'm beginning to think that after a certain age, people should be retested for their drivers license. On base, a couple of times a month there is usually an influx of elderly people - veterans and their dependants. Which is sometimes, quite lovely to see. However…yesterday, as I was leaving the DD on base, an elderly man nearly ran over an elderly woman as he was backing up from his parking space. I was walking towards my truck and had to stop to let him pullout; as I was standing there, the woman is walking right towards him from the other direction. It was pretty evident that he was going to hit her if he didn't wait. I was watching it happen, thinking how can he possibly not see her - but sure enough… he was kept pulling out and was just about to hit her. I started yelling at him "you're going to hit that woman!" but he didn't hear me so I had to bang on his window to tell him to stop. She didn't see he was pulling out - he didn't see her - and then he tells me that she needed to watch where she was going! I'm thinking that the both of them needed a little guidance!

8. I am so craving sushi right now.

9. I'm going to run tonight after work. Don't know that I'll get to run outdoors but I'll definitely do at least a mile on the treadmill. I swear, I'm not going to lose my motivation. I am however, wondering what I'm going to make for dinner this evening though. I usually run while dinner is cooking - but I'm not clear on what I'm making. Aha! I think I might run to Whole Foods at lunch today and pick up something yummy… There, I've been inspired. I love when that happens.

10. It's only Wednesday? Not sure why - but this week feels like it's draaaagggging on. Looking forward to yoga on Friday! A friend of mine from work is going to try the class - and then another one of my friends is coming over afterwards for some Chinese. I love my Fridays… if only every day could be Friday.


Susan said...

Sounds like a top 10 list of why you need a vacation to me. : )

bigwhitehat said...

Glitter is right. Go get away.

Suldog said...

If you run to the sushi place, be sure to look both ways before crossing, lest you get hit by an over-aged driver.

Tim said...

On Wily Mo: Who'd take him in a trade? What would we get in return that would be worthwhile? He strikes out way too much and the hits he gets are too few and far between. Maybe he'd hit better if he was in a place where he could play every day.

Greens and Pinks said...

Yep, feeling #1 BIG TIME.

Anonymous said...

Trade Wily Mo?? Sure, the Sox are already in first place, why not make the team better? First overall not good enough for ya.