Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Music and memories....

Driving in to work yesterday morning, I had a musical memory moment. It was hearing Guns & Roses "You're Crazy". Funny thing is, that while I loved G'nR - and actually had the pleasure of seeing them at the Boston Orpheum before they were G'nR and just "Guns&Roses" - that wasn't the memory it evoked. It brought me back to the summer I graduated high school, hanging out with my high school sweetheart in our friend Duff's back yard…cooking linguica on the grill and listening to Lynard Skynard and the Allman Brothers. I could actually hear "Sweet Home Alabama" in my head. You would think that hearing a song would bring me back to a time that is relevant to that song and yet it didn't. Weird, huh?

I went back to yoga Monday night after two painfully long weeks. I was about ready to kill someone last week - I was desperately trying to find another yoga studio anywhere from where I live, upwards to Derry NH - in an effort to find a studio that was running a class mid day. I had half the day off and no OM to find! What's that all about?!?! So by last night I was thrilled to go. I'm actually taking another class today because I'm chasing the high of being sore. You know what that feels like if you work out….it's that sore but good sore feeling. I'm a firm believer that if you don't feel that, you need to change your work out regimen. I went again yesterday afternoon and now I'm feeling...amazing.

Well, I'm off to an appointment and then to work. I had planned to take the full day off but truthfully, the weather's not looking so great, so I'm saving the half day for a better weather forecast.

I need to figure out this being able to post via email thing.
Glitter - help a girl out!


chesneygirl said...

There are hundreds of songs that have the same effect on me too!

I know what you mean about needing the yoga/workout... after being on vacation for 11 days I had a fierce craving/urge to get back into my workout routine! However, that is the only thing about reality that feels good to be back to. :(

Susan said...

I just sent you instructions...That should help!

Martie said...

So, you live by the 'no pain, no gain' motto,eh? Not me.....I'm a wuss.....I hate pain!

Maybe I should try Yoga!
