Saturday, July 14, 2007

From A-Z

Could it be any more gorgeous out? Perfect. Not too hot, not too cool. Not too humid.
Today I'm taking the kids to my girfriend's house for a cookout and hanging out at the pool. I'm bringing a fruit salad and some stuff for the grill - and I'm looking forward to just hanging out. While I love the beach, the pool is so much easier at times. No sand, no fuss, no mess.

This Saturday Survey is....From A-Z!
If you use it, let me know!

A-Apples or Oranges? I think I prefer apples. Oranges sometimes burn my lips!
B-Best Friend: If I had to pick just one? Kim. But all my girlfriends are my better halves....
C-Cake or Pie: Oooh. Tough one. Probably cake.

D-Drink of Choice: Spring Water.
E-Essential Item(s): Lip Fusion, hand/body lotion, my yoga mat
F- Favorite Color(s): Chocolate & Plum
G- Gummi Bears or Worms? I hate them both.

H- Hometown: Malden
I- Indulgence: Doritos, Dips, and extra extra cheese on my pizza
J- January or February: Wow. They were hurting for a J question.
K- Kids: 2

L- Life is incomplete without: Happiness and self contentment
M- Money, important?: It's not mission critical but you clearly need it to survive!
N- Number of Siblings: 1
O- Oranges or Apples? Wow, wasn't that the "A" question?
P- Phobias/Fears: I don't love being underwater; I have control issues so I don't love amusement rides that much!
Q- Favorite Quote: "I'm filling in the negative space with positively everything" - Miss Edie Brickell
R- Reasons to smile: What reason is there NOT to smile?
S- Season: Autumn
T- Tag Three: How about this: if you read this and you want to play along, then please play along.
U- Unknown Fact About Me: I won't eat alone. I'd eat alone in a restaurant no problem, but at home - I dont' eat if I'm alone. Eating is very social for me and I don't enjoy cooking for just myself. I'd rather snack on cereal or something.

V – Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? Wow, that's harsh. I love animals, but eat meat. Hey, I'm higher on the food chain, what can I say? I don't eat veal though.
W- Worst Habit(s): Procrastination.
X – X-rays or Ultrasounds? I've had both!

Y- Your Favorite Foods: I love it all. Love to eat! Beef, pizza, chinese, pasta, mexican, what don't I love? I just enjoy food.
Z- Zodiac: VIRGO.

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